The Wounded Kings

slow, deep and heavy!
Beiträge: 5392
Registriert: 10 Okt 2007, 13:48

Beitrag von psykosonic »

schönes motiv
Beiträge: 2758
Registriert: 03 Okt 2009, 12:01

Beitrag von shredder666 »

ich werd mir die band am Roadburn anschauen, dafür sind sie nämlich kürzlich bestätigt worden...
CONSPIRACY - Death/Thrash-Metal
Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

nicht, dass es nicht eh schon genug doomveranstaltungen in wien gäbe, aber die wounded kings und witch mountain suchen am 2. oder 3. mai (do bzw. fr) noch einen gig zwischen dem parma gig und dem basel gig.
also freiwillige vor ;)

edit: explosiv -> graz vielleicht?
Beiträge: 5392
Registriert: 10 Okt 2007, 13:48

Beitrag von psykosonic »

ich ruf mal unseren booker an, am 03. hamma allerdings scho was...
Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

ja, passt. sollt interesse bestehen schick ich dir die kontaktdaten
Beiträge: 5392
Registriert: 10 Okt 2007, 13:48

Beitrag von psykosonic » 02. is mittlerweile auch was...da haben sich die mails/postings überschnitten...leider
Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

The Wounded Kings hat geschrieben:Here's our official announcement, our 4th album Consolamentum will be put out by Candlelight Records-release date announcement soon...
Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

jetzt hams doch noch einen ö-termin hingekriegt.
spielen am 30.10. in der rockhousebar in salzburg smilie_wet_036

"Our first Euro tour since 2012 and our first EVER with Original vocalist George Birch…GET READY!!!


Oct 24th – LONDON – The Black Heart

Oct 25th – LEEUWARDEN (NL) – Into the Void Festival

Oct 26th – OBERHAUSEN (DE) - Helvete

Oct 27th – NÜRNBERG (DE) - Zentralkafe

Oct 28th - T.B.C

Oct 29th - BUDAPEST (HU) - Trafik Klub

Oct 30th – SALZBURG (AT) – Rockhaus

Oct 31st - T.B.C

Nov 1st - BAROEG ROTTERDAM – Dutch Doom Days Festival

Nov 2nd – PARIS (FR) - Glazart"
Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

ah, ok, hatte mich schon gewundert, warum da überall der alte sänger erwähnt wird. hab nicht mitbekommen, dass die sharie ausgestiegen ist. um so besser smilie_wet_036

"By the way...THE WOUNDED KINGS will bring the Doom over Bielefeld with their original singer George Birch who returned to the band a few weeks ago when Sharie Neyland left! We know there are some fans out there who like him much more than the female vocals which can be heard on their last 2 the time has come to hear old and new tracks as they should be!

Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Re: The Wounded Kings

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

The Wounded Kings hat geschrieben:New album recorded. Final organ parts and mixing to take place at Skyhammer Studio in September! Yesssss!
Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Re: The Wounded Kings

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

oida, candlemass von universal aufkauft?? :lol:
The Wounded Kings hat geschrieben:TOUR POSTPONED!! for reasons completely beyond our control we have had to postpone our upcoming Euro tour which was due to commence on the 4th of March. As some of you may already be aware our label Candlelight Records was recently purchased by Spinefarm/Universal Music Group, the upshot of this is that our album release date which was originally scheduled for 25th March has been pushed back along with the album stocks that were due to be sent to us for the tour.

We pride ourselves in not letting our fans and Promoters down but hitting the road to promote our new album 'Visions in Bone' with no actual album, no concrete release date and no merchandise to finance the tour would have been a total disaster.

We are so psyched for the release of this new album and look forward to working with Spinefarm on what we think is the strongest set of songs we have done so far! Just stick with'll be worth it!

Re-scheduled tour dates will be announced soon!!!
Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Re: The Wounded Kings

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

The Wounded Kings hat geschrieben:R.I.P The Wounded Kings 2004 - 2016
Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Re: The Wounded Kings

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

The Wounded Kings hat geschrieben:By now you will have seen the earlier posts and in response to one comment sorry buddy.... no this is not a publicity stunt!

12 years is a pretty good innings for a band these days and there has been well documented instances when the journey could well have ended years ago. Sadly that day has finally arrived. We’ve had a wild ride with some truly amazing shows and met many awesome people along the way. Many of you have become great friends. For that we are truly grateful!

I’m sure many of you are thinking this is all rather sudden but to be honest it’s probably been 6 months in the making. We’ve tried to cling onto the sinking ship for as long as possible...too long if truth be told!. Little did we know that when we recorded ‘Visions in Bone’ a year ago (yes that fuckin’ long!!) it would end up being our Swan Song!

A massive thank you to everyone who has supported us, came to the shows, bought our merch, shared beers, gave us a place to sleeP, made us food, did our posters...the list is endless. Most of all thank you to those who believed in us...without you none of this would ever have been possible.

Steve, Alex, Myke and George