
slow, deep and heavy!
Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Re: Pentagram

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

Eine qualitative Aufwertung, quasi. Nachdem ich sie zuletzt tw. ausgelassen habe, wäre es nun fast wieder interessant. Obwohl ich 10x lieber Place of Skulls sehen würd.
Aber am Pentagram-Day in Wien sind ja glaub ich auch Obituary, die ich derzeit bevorzugen würde.
Pentagram hat geschrieben:PENTAGRAM PRESS RELEASE: 5/10/17

As was the case for the recently completed US shows, vocalist Bobby Liebling will not appear with Pentagram for previously booked European dates this summer.
To elaborate, Bobby called on April 17 saying he had been admitted to the hospital. He called again on April 19, this time after being transferred to a Maryland detention facility. He's now awaiting a preliminary hearing at which time it will be determined if a follow-up on any alleged charges are necessary. An update will be published when information is available. The band will be fulfilling all currently booked appearances with 36-year mainstay guitarist Victor Griffin performing all vocals.


The outpouring of support on our recent US dates was outstanding! Your energy was matched ten-fold and encouraged us to carry on and deliver what many have called, even by skeptics, some of the best Pentagram performances they've seen. Thank you!
We have the best fans in the world and if not for you, the legacy of this band would have died long ago. We won't let you down now. The music lives on and as we move forward, we reiterate the lyrics of "Curious Volume":
“In this venture death waits in the shadows, but in survival the volume won't die!”

Victor, Greg, & Pete
Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Re: Pentagram

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Re: Pentagram

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

Victor Griffin hat geschrieben:As I sit here reading the Pentagram headlines and wondering what to say...
I can only thank you for such an overwhelming level of support under the circumstances. It's been 36 years of dealing with more drama than you can probably imagine. The 'Last Days Here' documentary was only a glimpse. Constantly squandered opportunities led me to quit Pentagram on several occasions, only to eventually give benefit of the doubt and rejoin. With this latest incident, and not to pronounce guilt before trial, the pinnacle of that era has been reached.
I also personally apologize for any less than straight forward and possibly confusing updates posted on the Pentagram site.
Greg Turley, Peter Campbell, and I are excited about carrying on with a greater enthusiasm than was even possible before. Regardless of how we do that beyond the currently booked summer dates, and under what name...our appreciation for your support is inexpressible.
We hope to see you on the road...Godspeed!
P.S. For those of you who may believe in prayer...Bobby is a man who needs all he can get. And health, strength, and peace of mind for Diane Liebling.
Erik Blutaxt
Beiträge: 13139
Registriert: 13 Jul 2006, 12:24
Wohnort: Braunau am Inn / Wien XV

Re: Pentagram

Beitrag von Erik Blutaxt »

und eini in häfn mit eam. do fühlt er si eh woi... :lol: