Mosley verstarb im Alter von 57 Jahren. Er war von 1984 bis 1988 Sänger der amerikanischen Crossover-Pioniere Faith No More und nahm die Alben "We Care A Lot" und "Introduce Yourself" auf.
Chuck Mosley (links) mit Jim Martin bei einem Konzert von Faith no More 1988 in Berlin. – (c) imago/BRIGANI-ART (imago stock&people)
Chuck Mosley ist tot. Der US-Musiker verstarb im Alter von 57 Jahren, berichten englischsprachige Medien, darunter der "Rolling Stone". Als Todesursache gibt seine Familie seine langjährige "Suchtkrankheit" an. Mosley war von 1984 bis 1988 Sänger der amerikanischen Crossover-Pioniere Faith No More. Er nahm mit der Band die Alben "We Care A Lot" und "Introduce Yourself" auf. Nach Mosley stieg Mike Patton als Sänger ein. Mosley sang bis 1992 bei der Formation Bad Brains. 2010 stand er nach mehr als 20 Jahren Pause wieder mit Faith No More gemeinsam auf der Bühne.
Faith No More haben ein Statement zum Ableben ihres ehemaligen Sängers veröffentlicht:
It’s with a heavy, heavy heart we acknowledge the passing of our friend and bandmate, Chuck Mosley. He was a reckless and caterwauling force of energy who delivered with conviction and helped set us on a track of uniqueness and originality that would not have developed the way it had had he not been a part. How fortunate we are to have been able to perform with him last year in a reunion style when we re-released our very first record. His enthusiasm, his sense of humor, his style and his bravado will be missed by so many. We were a family, an odd and dysfunctional family, and we’ll be forever grateful for the time we shared with Chuck.
Weil es hier noch fehlt, er ist am 9.11. verstorben.
Former lead singer of experimental/alternative metal band Faith No More. He went on to sing in various other punk and rock bands after getting dismissed from Faith No More in 1988.
He is of African-American descent and was adopted at an early age.
His family has issued the following statement: "After a long period of sobriety, Charles Henry Mosley III lost his life on November 9th, 2017 due to the disease of addiction.
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC