"Here is our new Axeman.....Dirty John.....He is now an official member in Arkham Witch and he will be making his first appearance at Metal Magic Fest in Denmark next month. After losing kinky John, Dodo has felt lonely and lost up on the stage and has taken to eating his own weight in kebabs and pizza to fill that empty void! Now that Dirty John has been recruited the nation can resume to place take-away orders and have a chance at getting their food on time!"
freu mich schon wieder auf die herren. auf malta spielen sie ja ein special lamp of thoth set, bezugnehmend auf die kommenden veröffentlichungen
Re: Arkham Witch (UK)
Verfasst: 23 Nov 2015, 09:57
von Erik Blutaxt
Arkham Witch hat geschrieben:Our new album has many different styles of Metal. A bit of Old School, a bit of Doom and also some punky/mosh tracks. This track is different to what we've normally done. Check it out and see what you think
Re: Arkham Witch (UK)
Verfasst: 07 Apr 2016, 09:19
von Erik Blutaxt
Arkham Witch hat geschrieben:All recording for 'Get Thothed II' is done! Just the mixing and Mastering left and all you Lamp lovers are truly gonna love this little beauty. This EP will have some classic Thoth songs and a previously unreleased track
Re: Arkham Witch (UK)
Verfasst: 22 Jun 2017, 11:11
von Erik Blutaxt
† Bald in Wien †
Re: Arkham Witch (UK)
Verfasst: 08 Jan 2018, 23:22
von Der Riffhai
Metal On Metal Records hat geschrieben:Finally! We've got good news for the fans of THE LAMP OF THOTH and Arkham Witch! Especially those of you who already have "Get Thothed" vol I and II, and were wondering when the hell the last part is going to be out. We just got the songs for the GT vol. III EP (if you can still call it an EP... it's 50 minutes!) and they crush! It's the most interesting of the 3 EPs as all 6 songs are previously unreleased. We had only heard 3 of them in their old, very raw demo versions previously. If everything goes well (and we don't see why it shouldn't), it will be released at Metal Assault fest, on 17th of February.