Alan Merrill stirbt am Coronavirus

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Alan Merrill stirbt am Coronavirus

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Skip hat geschrieben:"I Love Rock 'n' Roll": Soundtrack-Dauergast Alan Merrill stirbt am Coronavirus

Der Coronavirus hat meinen Vater heute Morgen geholt", schrieb Alan Merrills Tochter Laura am 29. März auf Facebook. Der Musiker ist vor allem für den Hit "I Love Rock 'n' Roll berühmt.
Auf stolzen 68 Film- und Serien-Soundtracks ist Alan Merrill (im Bild links) laut Internet Movie Database vertreten, die meisten seiner Credits gehen auf "I Love Rock 'n' Roll" zurück. Merrill schrieb den Song gemeinsam mit Jake Hooker; ihre Band the Arrows veröffentlichte ihn 1975. Zu internationaler Berühmtheit und einer enormen Halbwertszeit in der Popkultur brachte es "I Love Rock 'n' Roll" dank eines Covers von Joan Jett. Ihre Version des Songs wurde Anfang der Achtziger zum einem Dauerbrenner und Instant Classic der Rockmusik.

Via Twitter nahm Jett Abschied von Alan Merrill. "Ich kann mich immer noch erinnern, die Arrows im Fernsehen in London gesehen zu haben, mitgerissen von diesem Song, der eindeutig nach einem Hit für mich klang", so Jett. "Mit großer Dankbarkeit und Trauer wünsche ich [Alan Merrill] eine sichere Reise auf die andere Seite."

Alan Merrill kosteten Komplikationen in Zusammenhang mit dem Coronavirus das Leben. Er verstarb im Alter von 69 Jahren in New York. "Der Coronavirus hat meinen Vater heute Morgen geholt", schrieb Merills Tochter Laura am 29. März auf Facebook (via "Deadline"). "Ich bekam zwei Minuten, um mich zu verabschieden, bevor er schnell weggebracht wurde. Er wirkte friedlich, und als ich ging, war da noch ein Funken Hoffnung, dass er nicht ein Ticker auf der rechten Seite des CNN/Fox-Newsscreens sein würde."

Durch ein menschenleeres New York marschierte Laura Merrill nachhause, wo sie die Nachricht vom Tod ihres Vaters erhielt. Gegen Ende des Postings appellierte sie an die Öffentlichkeit: "Bleibt zuhause. Wenn nicht für euch, dann für andere. Für meinen Vater. Diese Krise ist echt."

R.I.P :sad:
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice

Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
Beiträge: 39182
Registriert: 16 Feb 2009, 17:11
Wohnort: Graz

Alan Merrill stirbt am Coronavirus

Beitrag von Ravenpride »

Alan Merrill, the singer and co-writer of the original version of "I Love Rock 'N Roll", has died at the age of 69. According to his daughter Laura, he passed away of complications from COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus.

In 1975, Merrill recorded "I Love Rock 'N Roll" with his band the ARROWS. Seven years later, JOAN JETT & THE BLACKHEARTS' version of the track became a No. 1 single in the U.S. and remained at the top of the chart for seven weeks.

Jett issued a statement earlier today, saying: "I've just learned of the awful news that Alan Merrill has passed.

"My thoughts and love go to his family, friends and music community as a whole.

"I can still remember watching the ARROWS on TV in London and being blown away by the song that screamed hit to me.

"With deep gratitude and sadness, wishing him a safe journey to the other side."
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice

Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
Beiträge: 39182
Registriert: 16 Feb 2009, 17:11
Wohnort: Graz

Alan Merrill stirbt am Coronavirus

Beitrag von Ravenpride »

Laura Merrill hat geschrieben:

I’ve been trying to sleep but I can’t. I woke up normally yesterday with the world at my feet and now today I lay here empty. I’ve always been very open here on social media because I believe sharing your experiences both good and bad can be healing, not just to myself but others.
The Coronavirus took my father this morning. I was given 2 minutes to say my goodbyes before I was rushed out. He seemed peaceful and as I left there was still a glimmer of hope that he wouldn’t be a ticker on the right hand side of the CNN/Fox news screen.
I walked 50 blocks home still with hope in my heart. The city that I knew was empty. I felt I was the only person here and perhaps in many ways I was.
By the time I got in the doors to my apartment I received the news that he was gone.
How could this be? I was just at his show a couple of weeks ago. I had just photographed his portrait for his new album. Texted with him earlier.
He played down the “cold” he thought he had.
I’ve made a million jokes about the “Rona” and how it’ll “getcha”...boy do I feel stupid.

If anything can come of this I beg of you to take this seriously. Money doesn’t matter.
People are dying.
You don’t think It’ll happen to you or your strong family.
It has.
Stay home if not for you...for others. For my dad.
This thing is real.
We probably won’t be able to mourn him properly with a funeral.
I just lost the greatest love of my life and won’t be able to hug anyone because I’ve been exposed and need to self quarantine for two weeks....alone.
I don’t know how to process this.
I’ll need all of you to help me with that.
Please stay safe. No one is immune to this and it is very real.
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice

Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC