Mallorca Magazin hat geschrieben:Deutscher Unternehmer und Musiker auf Mallorca tödlich verunglückt
Bei einem Unfall mit seinem Ultraleichtflieger Typ Skycruiser ist am Sonntag der 53 Jahre alte deutsche Inselresident Lars Ranzenberger auf Mallorca ums Leben gekommen.
Das Unglück ereignete sich neben der Landstraße von Palma nach Manacor bei Vilafranca, unweit des bekannten Restaurants Es Cruce. Nicht weit entfernt befindet sich der Hangar des Flugfeldes, das ebenfalls Es Cruce heißt, und wo Ranzenberger seinen motorisierten, 125 Kilo schweren Drachen abzustellen pflegte.
Medizinische Einsatzkräfte, Feuerwehr und Polizei waren nach dem Vorfall, der sich gegen 10 Uhr ereignete, schnell zur Stelle, konnten das Leben des aus Sandhausen bei Heidelberg stammenden Mannes aber nicht mehr retten.
Wie es zu dem Unfall kommen konnte, war zunächst unklar, die Guardia Civil hat Ermittlungen aufgenommen.
2006 hatte der in Cala Santanyí lebende Ranzenberger Mallorca zu seinem Lebensmittelpunkt gemacht. Er betrieb als Lichtdesigner das Unternehmen "InterLED Sounds & Visions" mit Showroom in Llucmajor. Gerade erst hatte er neue Räumlichkeiten in Santa Ponça bezogen. Seine Aufgabe sah er darin, Innenräume, Gärten, Pools und Fassaden mit kreativen Ideen ins rechte Licht zu setzen.
Ranzenberger war aber auch Musiker, ist zuletzt als Produzent und Bassist bei der mallorquinischen Band Fyre! mit Frontfrau Alejandra Burgos aktiv gewesen. In den vergangenen Jahren sah er das Musikbusiness eher als ein Hobby. Früher ist er Vollprofi gewesen. Mit der Power-Metal-Band Metalium tourte er unter dem Künstlernamen Lars Ratz weltweit, die 1998 in Hamburg gegründete Gruppe brachte bis zu ihrer Auflösung 2011 acht Alben heraus.
Mit seinem Ultraleicht-Trike Mallorca aus der Luft zu erkunden, war die große Leidenschaft von Lars Ranzenberger. Gegenüber MM sagte er im vergangenen Herbst: "Das ist das Tolle an so einem Skycruiser, man ist nah genug über dem Boden, um die Geheimnisse der Insel mit bloßen Augen zu entdecken."
Lars Ratz 53 (METALIUM)
Verfasst: 18 Apr 2021, 21:35
von Ravenpride
Lars Ratz
Real/full name:
Lars Ranzenberger
53 (born Feb 21st, 1968)
Apr 18th, 2021
Died of:
Plane accident
Place of origin:
Germany (Sandhausen, Baden-Württemberg)
Died in an accident with his ultralight plane type Skycruiser in Mallorca where he currently lived.
Lars Ratz 53 (METALIUM)
Verfasst: 19 Apr 2021, 13:55
von Ravenpride
Blabbermouth hat geschrieben:
Former METALIUM Bassist LARS RATZ Dies Of Injuries From Ultralight Aircraft Crash
Former METALIUM bassist Lars "Ratz" Ranzenberger died Sunday morning (April 18) after his ultralight "trike" airplane crashed in Mallorca, Spain.
According to We Publish News, the accident occurred around 10 a.m. next to the road from Palma to Manacor near Vilafranca, not far from the famous Es Cruce restaurant. Also nearby is the hangar of the airfield, which is also called Es Cruce, and where Ranzenberger used to park his aircraft.
The 53-year-old German-born musician-turned-entrepreneur, who has resided in Cala Santanyí, on the southeastern coast of Mallorca, for a number of years, reportedly died instantly. He was said to be the sole occupant of the plane.
Medical personnel, the fire brigade and police were quickly dispatched to the scene after but could not save Ranzenberger's life.
Spain's Civil Guard has opened an investigation into the causes and circumstances of today's accident.
Check out photos from Diario De Mallorca. Video footage can be seen below.
In recent years, Ranzenberger ran InterLED, Sounds & Visions SL, a company which provided installations in light, sound and TV.
On the musical front, Ranzenberger was most recently the producer and bass player for the Mallorcan band FYRE.
Formed in Hamburg in 1998, METALIUM released eight albums before breaking up in 2011.
Lars's former METALIUM bandmate Chris Caffery paid tribute to the bassist, writing on social media: "One of the many discussions I have had during the past year involved reunions and new records from bands I haven't recorded with in years. You all know the obvious by the posts that have been floating around. One of the others was conversations I had with Henning [Basse, vocals] and Lars Ratz about the possibility of a new METALIUM record and festival tour. I had actually began writing songs with this reunion in mind.
"I am shocked and saddened to have just received the very sad news that Lars Ratz has died today in a small plane crash.
"That first METALIUM record was a very huge part of my musical and personal past. Although the situation wasn’t always perfect Lars believed in me and was so proud that he had me there to be a part of that first albums creation and the very first shows.
"'Millennium Metal' was a classic record top to bottom.
"Lars loved risks. He kinda lived very heavy metal in many ways. He loved being a pilot. He can now take some of my friends in heaven on some of his flights. Fly with the angels my friend."
Chris Caffery hat geschrieben:One of the many discussions I have had during the past year involved reunions and new records from bands I haven’t recorded with in years.
You all know the obvious by the posts that have been floating around.
One of the others was conversations I had with Henning and Lars Ratz about the possibility of a new Metalium record and festival tour. I had actually began writing songs with this reunion in mind.
I am shocked and saddened to have just received the very sad news that Lars Ratz has died today in a small plane crash.
That first Metalium record was a very huge part of my musical and personal past. Although the situation wasn’t always perfect Lars believed in me and was so proud that he had me there to be a part of that first albums creation and the very first shows.
Millennium Metal was a classic record top to bottom.
Lars loved risks. He kinda lived very heavy metal in many ways. He loved being a pilot. He can now take some of my friends in heaven on some of his flights. Fly with the angels my friend.
This song was always one of my favorites from this record...
Henning Basse hat geschrieben:
Vor ein paar Tagen am Telefon haben wir noch gesagt, lass uns am Wochenende nochmal telefonieren, wenn wir mehr Zeit haben.Jetzt bist du gegangen mein Freund und Kollege langjähriger in den Arschtreter. Wir haben soviel zusammen erlebt, geweint , gelacht.. du warst immer eine Stütze hast immer das positive gesehen und warst ein Fighter. Ich habe dir unheimlich viel zu verdanken,hätte ich ein Wunsch frei hätte ich es geschafft unsere Reunion mit dir gemacht. Meine Gedanken sind bei dir und deiner Familie... ich bin komplett unter Schock...wir sehen uns. R.I.P mein Lars.