R.I.P Nur rund 4 Monate nach Manny Charlton.M.A. hat geschrieben:Dan McCafferty
Real/full name:
William Daniel McCafferty
76 (born Oct 14th, 1946)
Nov 8th, 2022
Vocals (1968-2013)
Dan McCafferty (76) NAZARETH
- Ravenpride
- Beiträge: 39154
- Registriert: 16 Feb 2009, 17:11
- Wohnort: Graz
Dan McCafferty (76) NAZARETH
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice
Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice
Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
- Ravenpride
- Beiträge: 39154
- Registriert: 16 Feb 2009, 17:11
- Wohnort: Graz
Dan McCafferty (76) NAZARETH
BLABBERMOUTH.NET hat geschrieben:
Legendary NAZARETH Singer DAN MCCAFFERTY Dead At 76
November 8, 2022
NAZARETH's co-founding singer Dan McCafferty has died at the age of 76.
NAZARETH bassist Pete Agnew confirmed McCafferty's passing in a statement earlier today.
He wrote: "Dan died at 12:40 today.
"This is the saddest announcement I ever had to make. Maryann and the family have lost a wonderful loving husband and father, I have lost my best friend and the world has lost one of the greatest singers who ever lived.
"Too upset to say anything more at this time."
There are only a very few classic rock vocalists, whose voices can be recognized on the first notes. One of these voices is McCafferty.
After nearly fifty years of NAZARETH, Dan unfortunately had to retire from stage due to health reasons. But he never gave up on his passion to express feelings through music.
In October 2019, McCafferty released his third and final solo album, "Last Testament".
After McCafferty's decision to step away from NAZARETH, the band continued to tour and record under the leadership of sole remaining founder member Agnew, with McCafferty's blessing.
McCafferty stated about his retirement from NAZARETH: "If you can't do the job, you shouldn't be there. NAZARETH's too big for that."
Nearly a decade ago, McCafferty elaborated on the specifics of the health issues and the state of his situation in an interview with U.K. magazine Classic Rock. He stated that he had not suffered a stroke as had been reported in the press. He said that a case of C.O.P.D. that has "worsened in recent years" had made him leave the stage in Switzerland in late August 2013 after only three songs, indicating that, "You don't know when it's going to come on, but suddenly you can't breathe." McCafferty also revealed that another health problem was responsible for his onstage collapse at a concert in Canada in July 2013 — a burst stomach ulcer. He stated reflecting back on the incident, "I thought I'd be fine, but you lose so much blood when that happens."
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice
Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice
Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
- Ravenpride
- Beiträge: 39154
- Registriert: 16 Feb 2009, 17:11
- Wohnort: Graz
Dan McCafferty (76) NAZARETH
Kronen Zeitung hat geschrieben:Musikwelt trauert
Ex-Nazareth-Sänger Dan McCafferty ist tot
Sänger Dan McCafferty während eines Konzertes der Rockband Nazareth am 8. Februar 2013 in Schladming
(Bild: APA/Herbert Neubauer)
Der ehemalige Sänger der schottischen Hardrock-Band Nazareth, Dan McCafferty, ist tot. Das hat am Mittwoch sein Ex-Mitstreiter, der Bassist und Mitbegründer der Formation, Pete Agnew, auf Twitter mitgeteilt. McCafferty war für seine besondere Stimme bekannt.
Der Sänger starb im Alter von 76 Jahren, er soll an einer Lungenkrankheit gelitten haben. „Das ist die traurigste Bekanntmachung, die ich je zu machen hatte. (…) Ich habe meinen besten Freund verloren und die Welt einen der größten Sänger, der je gelebt hat. Ich bin zu aufgewühlt, um jetzt noch mehr sagen zu können“, postete Agnew, der das letzte noch lebend Mitglied der Ur-Formation von Nazareth ist, am frühen Mittwochnachmittag auf dem Instagram-Account der Band.
William Daniel „Dan“ McCafferty wurde am 14. Oktober 1946 in Dunfermline geboren. 1968 trat er der Coverband The Shadettes bei, die sich 1970 in Nazareth umbenannte und eigene Songs aufnahm. Er war Gründungsmitglied der Formation und steuerte für Classic-Rock-Hits wie „Love Hurts“ und „This Flight Tonight“ seine Reibeisenstimme bei.
Bis zum Jahr 2013 gehörte McCafferty der Gruppe an, dann musste er aus gesundheitlichen Gründen den Job als Frontman von Nazareth abgeben. 2019 erschien sein Solo-Album „The Last Testament“, das dritte in seiner langen Karriere. Mit Nazareth veröffentlichte er mehr als 20 Alben.
Mit knapp 60 Millionen verkaufter Alben weltweit sind sie neben den Simple Minds die international bekannteste schottische Band.
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice
Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice
Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC