September 2010
········ Pig Destroyer - TBA
········ Conspiracy - Irremediable
········ Therion - Sitra Ahra
········ Rorcal - Heliogabalus
········ In Virtue - Embrace The Horror
········ Voodoo Circle - Broken Heart Syndrome
········ Place Of Skulls - As A Dog Returns
········ Zubrowska - Zubrowska Are Dead
········ Consortium Project - Consortium Project V - Species
········ Allen/Lande - The Showdown
········ Mourning Lenore - Loosely Bounded Infinities
27.09 Enslaved - Axioma Ethica Odini
27.09 The Batallion - Head Up High
27.09 The Crown - Doomsday King
27.09 Rush - 2112/Moving Pictures (Classic Albums) [DVD]
27.09 Abigail Williams - In The Absence Of Light
27.09 Halford - Halford IV - Made Of Metal
27.09 Sole Remedy - Apoptosis
28.09 August Burns Red - Home [DVD]
28.09 Avian - The Path [EP]
28.09 James LaBrie - Static Impulse
28.09 October Tide - A Thin Shell
28.09 Soundgarden - Telephantasm [DVD]
28.09 Mushroomhead - Beautiful Stories For Ugly Children
29.09 Angra - Aqua
29.09 Iron Fire - Metalmorphosized
October 2010
········ Helheim - Åsgårds Fall [EP]
········ Revolution Renaissance - Trinity
········ Vintersorg - TBA
········ Glorior Belli - The Full Intrepid Experience Of Light
········ Hydrogyn - Judgement
········ Obscurity - TBA
········ My Silent Wake - TBA
········ Monster Magnet - Mastermind
········ Manic Movement - Hot Hot Hot
········ Gernotshagen - Weltenbrand - ...den Banner hoch der Nacht entgegen
········ Colosseum - Chapter 3: Parasomnia
········ Prong - TBA
········ Evergrey - TBA
········ Demons And Wizards - TBA
········ Ataraxie - Project X [Compilation]
········ Wojczech - Pulsus Letalis
········ The Ocean - Anthropocentric
········ Kromlek - Finis Terrae
········ Sacred Oath - World On Fire
········ Star One - Victims Of The Modern Age
········ Violet Sun - Loneliness In Supremacy
········ Phideaux - Snowtorch
········ Heathen Foray - TBA
01.10 Grave Digger - The Clans Will Rise Again
01.10 Letzte Instanz - Heilig
01.10 Melechesh - The Epigenesis
05.10 Joe Satriani - Black Swans And Wormhole Wizards
08.10 Space Eater - Aftershock
10.10 Auspex - Heliopause
11.10 UnSun - Clinic For Dolls
11.10 Hail Of Bullets - On Divine Winds
11.10 Syrens Call - Raging Waters
12.10 Intronaut - Valley Of Smoke
12.10 Hæresiarchs Of Dis - Denuntiatus Cinis
12.10 All That Remains - For We Are Many
15.10 VA - The Big Four: Live From Sofia, Bulgaria [DVD]
15.10 Symphorce - Unrestricted
15.10 Magic Kingdom - Symphony Of War
15.10 Rhapsody Of Fire - The Cold Embrace Of Fear - A Dark Romantic Symphony [EP]
15.10 Mirror Of Deception - A Smouldering Fire
17.10 Lugubrum - N.O.I.R. [Split] [EP]
18.10 Necronaut - Necronaut
18.10 Voodoo Six - Fluke?
18.10 Pure Reason Revolution - Hammer And Anvil
18.10 Dååth - Dååth
18.10 Jumalhämärä - Resignaatio
18.10 The Meads Of Asphodel - The Murder Of Jesus The Jew
20.10 Amberian Dawn - End Of Eden
22.10 Forbidden - Omega Wave
22.10 Cradle Of Filth - Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa
22.10 Crystal Viper - Legends
22.10 Virgin Steele - The Black Light Bacchanalia
22.10 Neaera - Forging The Eclipse
25.10 Tank - War Machine
25.10 Steven Wilson - Insurgentes [DVD]
25.10 Firewind - Days Of Defiance
25.10 My Dying Bride - Evinta [Compilation]
25.10 Triptykon - Shatter [EP]
26.10 Katra - Out Of The Ashes
26.10 Transatlantic - Whirld Tour 2010, Live At Shepherd's Bush Empire London [DVD]
26.10 Kylesa - Spiral Shadow
26.10 Transatlantic - Whirld Tour 2010, Live At Shepherd's Bush Empire London [Live]
26.10 Withered - Dualitas
26.10 Krieg - The Isolationist
27.10 Verjnuarmu - Lohuton
29.10 The Sorrow - The Sorrow
29.10 Andras - Warlord
29.10 Evocation - Apocalyptic
30.10 Shape Of Despair - Written In My Scars [EP]
31.10 Helloween - 7 Sinners
November 2010
········ Wyrd - Death Of The Sun
········ Thunderbolt - TBA
········ Running Wild - TBA [DVD]
········ Impaled Nazarene - Road To The Octagon
········ Eldritch - TBA
········ Behemoth - Evangelia Heretika [DVD]
········ Helrunar - Sól
········ Virus - The Agent That Shapes The Desert
········ Dalriada - Ígéret
········ Dark Moor - Ancestral Romance
05.11 Helstar - Glory Of Choas
08.11 Aborym - Psychogrotesque
08.11 Atheist - Jupiter
12.11 Darkwater - Where Stories End
15.11 Icewind - Again Came The Storm
19.11 Suicidal Angels - Dead Again
22.11 Sodom - In War And Pieces
26.11 Doro - 25 Years In Rock [DVD]
26.11 Milking The Goatmachine - Seven… A Dinner For One
December 2010
········ Pain - TBA [Live]
········ Ordog - Remorse
········ Dantesco - Seven Years Of Battle
········ Kekal - 8
········ Twilight Ophera - And The Waning Tyfereth - Divine X Plagues
········ Sothis - TBA
········ Karelia - Goden Decadence
········ Brutus - Murwgebeukt
········ Dantesco - We Dont Fear You God
········ Turisas - TBA
········ Arafel - For Battle Once Fought
········ Intense - TBA
········ Lyfthrasyr - TBA
········ Acid Witch - TBA
········ 7th Nemesis - Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow
········ Bane Of Isildur - TBA
········ Acid Witch - Midnight Mass [EP]
········ Aras - TBA
········ Dantesco - The Ten Commandments Of Metal
········ Stone Gods - TBA
········ Mortal Sin - TBA
········ Ixion - To The Void
········ Will Haven - TBA
········ Ribspreader - TBA
········ Phobia - Unrelenting [EP]
········ Zonaria - TBA
········ Your Shapeless Beauty - Phoinike
········ Weedeater - Jason... The Dragon
········ Nocturnal Fear - Excessive Cruelty [Working Title]
········ Hromovlad - TBA
········ Nightlight - Slippery When Frozen [EP]
········ Nine Inch Nails - TBA
········ Einherjer - TBA
········ Astarte - TBA
········ Korpiklaani - TBA
········ Thurisaz - The Cimmerian Years
········ Cloudscape - New Era
········ The Warriors - TBA
········ Believer - TBA
········ Marionette - TBA
········ Asphyx / Hooded Menace - Asphyx / Hooded Menace 7" [Split] [EP]
········ Odious - Skin Age
········ Trollfest - En Kvest For Den Hellige Gral
········ Lock Up - TBA
········ Asphyx / Hooded Menace / Lock Up / Brutal Truth - Lock Up / Brutal Truth Split 7" Single [EP]
········ Altars Of Destruction - Gallery Of Pain
········ Watchtower - Mathematics
········ Wizard - Wariwulf
········ Mantic Ritual - TBA
········ Stormhammer - TBA
········ Sinner - One Bullet Left
········ The Amenta - TBA
········ Fifth Angel - TBA
········ Onslaught - Sounds Of Violence
········ Gris - L'Alchimiste
········ Vertigo Steps - The Melancholy Hour
········ Overdrive - TBA
········ Cruciamentum - TBA [EP]
········ Condemned - Realms Of The Ungodly
········ Midnattsol - TBA
········ Three - TBA
········ Folkearth - Viking's Anthem
········ The Amenta - V01D [Working Title] [EP]
········ Teräsbetoni - TBA
········ Toxic Holocaust - TBA
········ Burning The Memory - Affirmations [EP]
········ Sirenia - TBA
········ Rudra - Brahmavidya: Immortal I
········ Disfigured - Amputated Gore Whore
········ Saturnus - TBA
········ Amaseffer - When The Lions Leave Their Den
········ Black Harvest - Ingrate
········ Arckanum - Sviga Læ
········ Extrovert - TBA
········ Eyehategod - TBA
········ Hocico - Tiempos de Furia
········ Rush - Clockwork Angels
········ Holy Blood - Shining Sun
········ Alice Cooper - Alice Does Alice [EP]
········ Crom - Of Love And Death
········ Eisregen - Rostrot
········ Witchcurse - Heavy Metal Poison
········ The Gathering - TBA
········ Avrigus - The Hidden Citadel
········ Loch Vostok - Dystopium
········ OSI - TBA
········ Underoath - TBA
········ Elexorien - TBA
········ Project: Failing Flesh - Count Back From Ten
········ Crystal Eyes - TBA
········ Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects - TBA
········ God.Fear.None - Over Black Clouds
········ Cave In - White Silence
········ Akercocke - A Decade Of Devil Worship [DVD]
········ Exhale - Blind
········ Power Quest - Blood Alliance
········ Anaal Nathrakh - TBA
········ Ill Niño - Dead New World
········ Draconian - TBA
········ As We Fight - Rockcore [Working Title]
········ Norther - TBA
········ Rex Mundi - Perception In Design
········ Hate - Erebos
········ Gwar - Bloody Pit Of Horror
········ Bloodthorn - TBA
········ Stormwarrior - Heathen Warrior [Working Title]
········ Arwen - TBA
········ Logar's Diary - TBA
········ Shatter Messiah - TBA
········ ETHS - TBA
········ Winds Of Plague - TBA
········ Benedictum - TBA
········ Degradead - TBA
········ The Arcane Order - TBA
········ Alice Cooper - The Night Shift
········ Saviours - TBA [EP]
········ Belenos - Yen Sonn Gardis
········ Konkhra - TBA
········ Sworn - TBA
········ Imperial Vengeance - The Gas-Light Arias [Working Title]
········ Cadaveria - TBA
········ Thunderbolt - TBA
········ Crimfall - TBA
········ Eden's Curse - Trinity
········ Hecate Enthroned - Virulent Rapture [Working Title]
········ Tristwood - Dystopia Et Disturbia
········ Abandoned - TBA
········ Ragnarok - Collectors Of The King
········ Civilization One - Calling The Gods
········ Skew Siskin - TBA
········ Phazm - TBA
········ Toxik - TBA
········ Visceral Bleeding - TBA
········ Toxik - Think Again [DVD]
········ Noumena - TBA
········ Chaosphere - Anthems To Agony
········ Aeturnus Dominion - Annihilation Process
········ Subterranean Masquerade - In Pastille Colors
········ Thy Majestie - TBA [DVD]
········ Deicide - To Hell With God
········ Mortician - TBA [DVD]
········ Anata - TBA
········ Tribuzy - TBA
········ Desultory - Counting Our Scars
········ Anterior - TBA
········ Agent Steel - TBA
········ Necrophagia - Deathtrip 69
········ Atargatis - TBA
········ Unexpect - TBA
········ Lake Of Tears - TBA
········ Deep Purple - TBA
········ Jon Oliva's Pain - DVD [DVD]
········ Kaledon - Roaming In The Land [DVD]
········ Sanctity - TBA
········ Ecthalion - TBA
········ Torchbearer - Death Meditations
········ Sabaton - Live At The Front [DVD]
········ Motörhead - TBA
········ Corpus Mortale - TBA
········ Goddess Of Desire - The Power Of Metal Compels You
········ Thine Eyes Bleed - TBA
········ Morbid Angel - TBA
········ Changer - Darkling
········ Crest Of Darkness - TBA
········ Morifade - Empire Of Souls
········ Virgin Black - Requiem - Pianissimo
········ Scorngrain - Utopia.Paranoia.Perversions!
········ Nemesea - TBA
········ Iced Earth - Festivals Of The Wicked [DVD]
········ Persuader - TBA
········ Dreamscape - Everlight
········ Gothic Knights - TBA
········ Frameshift - Loading Oakfield
········ Farmakon - Syan
········ Decayed - Shadowland [EP]
········ Silent Voices - TBA
········ Megadeth - Blood In The Water: Live In San Diego [DVD]
········ Hatebreed - Live In Dallas [Live]
········ Sandalinas - Circles
········ Stormwarrior - If It's Not In Your Bloode... You Will Never Understande! [DVD]
········ Orange Goblin - TBA
········ Summoning - TBA
········ Die Krupps - TBA
········ Down - TBA
········ Agalloch - TBA
········ The Dillinger Escape Plan - TBA [DVD]
········ Cellador - For All Or Nothing
········ Cypher - TBA
········ Evereve - E-Mission
········ Corpus Christii - TBA
········ Prototype - TBA
········ Oath To Vanquish - The Ruinous Fate Of The Blind
········ Anthrax - Worship Music
········ Mezzerschmitt - TBA
········ Suicidal Angels - Live Domination [DVD]
········ Charon - TBA
········ Vader - TBA [EP]
········ Morian - Ashen Empire
········ Paths Of Possession - TBA
········ Thorns - TBA
········ Trouble - The Dark Riff [Working Title]
········ Finntroll - TBA [DVD]
········ Carpathian Forest - TBA [DVD]
········ By Night - TBA
········ Den Saakaldte - Kapittel II: Faen I Helvete
········ Serenity - Death & Legacy
········ Detonation - Reprisal
········ Sinate - TBA
········ Alarum - Natural Causes
········ Vile - TBA
········ Twelfth Gate - TBA
········ Fragile Vastness - TBA
········ Eventide - The Beast And The Machine
········ Wolverine - Communication Lost
········ DeepTrip - TBA
········ Sacrifice - Live Reanimation [DVD]
········ Apostasy - TBA
········ Dragonlord - TBA
········ Grimfist - A New Breed Of Brutality
········ Macbeth - TBA
········ Magnacult - TBA
········ Griffen - TBA
········ Forgotten Tales - TBA
········ The Wounded - Hail To The King
········ Carnal Forge - TBA
········ Katagory V - Resurrect The Insurgence [Working Title]
········ Mors Principium Est - TBA
········ The Eternal - Under A New Sun
········ Ironwood - Storm Over Sea
········ Battlelore - TBA
········ Chaostar - TBA
········ Urt - TBA
········ Harkonin - Detest
········ Darkest Hour - TBA
········ Anubis Gate - TBA
········ Sylosis - TBA
········ Penumbra - TBA
········ Chaosweaver - TBA
········ Kinetic - Human Horror Industry
········ Necrophagist - TBA
········ Benighted - TBA
········ Mortiis - The Great Deceiver
········ Tad Morose - TBA
········ Angel Dust - Tales From Ashes And Dust
········ All Ends - TBA
········ Venom - TBA
········ Crowbar - TBA
········ Cult Of Luna - TBA
········ Panzerchrist - Regiment Ragnarok
········ Delain - TBA
········ Fates Warning - TBA
········ Nothnegal - TBA
········ Secret Sphere - Archetype
········ Biohazard - TBA
········ Blind Stare - TBA
········ The Devil Wears Prada - TBA
········ Chrome Division - TBA
········ Venomous Concept - TBA
········ Divine Eve - TBA
········ Lyrinx - Restriction And Failure
········ Dornenreich - Flammentriebe
········ Forgotten Tomb - Under Saturn Retrograde (Working Title)
········ Daylight Dies - TBA
········ Attacker - TBA
········ Symphony X - TBA
········ Carpathian Forest - Universal Evil
········ Sinergy - Sins Of The Past
········ Illnath - Three Nights In The Sewers Of Sodom
········ Vanishing Point - TBA
········ Odroerir - Götterlieder II
········ Shining - VII - Född Förlorare
········ Revengia - TBA
········ Kypck - TBA
········ Ark - Aradiokaos
········ Maruta - TBA
········ Revolting - The Terror Threshold
········ Manowar - Hammer Of The Gods
········ Eternal Reign - The Dawn Of Reckoning
········ Vicious Art - TBA
········ To/Die/For - TBA
········ Souldrainer - TBA
········ Crimson Glory - Metatron, Lucifer And The Divine Chaos
········ Urban Tales - The End
········ Universum - Mortuus Machina
········ Testament - TBA
········ Alchemist - TBA
········ Mordab - TBA
········ Eternal Gray - Your Gods, My Enemies
········ Crionics - N.O.I.R. [EP]
········ Aeternus - TBA
········ Arena - The Tinder Box
········ Homo Iratus - Truth Conquers All [EP]
········ Darkwell - TBA
········ Defender - TBA
········ Absentation - Claves Inferni
········ ZZ Top - TBA
········ Sathanas - La Hora De Lucifer
········ Virus IV - TBA
········ The Fall Of Every Season - Amends
········ Baltimoore - TBA
········ Empyrean Sky - Extending The Tangent
········ Moonspell - TBA
········ Falconer - TBA
········ Waylander - TBA
········ Visions Of Atlantis - TBA
········ Pegazus - TBA
········ Circus Maximus - TBA
········ Anal Cunt - Wearing Out Our Welcome
········ The Kovenant - Aria Galactica
········ Halcyon Way - TBA
········ Vreid - Vreid Goddamnit [DVD]
········ Demonoid - TBA
········ Naglfar - TBA
········ Death Breath - TBA
········ Black Comedy - TBA
········ Slumber - Resonance
········ Highland Glory - TBA
········ Pain Confessor - TBA
········ Manigance - TBA
12.12 Axenstar - Aftermath
17.12 Tankard - Vol(l)ume 14
31.12 Wintersun - Time
········ Necronomicon - Invictus
········ Sarke - TBA
········ Cauldron - Burning Fortune
········ Dredg - TBA
········ Dir En Grey - TBA
········ Steven Wilson - Storm Corrosion
········ Night In Gales - TBA
········ Satan's Host - TBA
········ Revolting - TBA
········ Blackfield - Blackfield III
········ Svartby - Elemental Tales
········ Steven Wilson - TBA
········ Suidakra - TBA
········ Dark Empire - From Refuge To Ruin
········ Haemorrhage - TBA
········ Devin Townsend - Ziltoid Musical [DVD]
········ myGRAIN - TBA
········ Frameshift - TBA
········ Whyzdom - TBA
········ Endstille - Infektion 1813
········ DragonForce - TBA
········ Pain Of Salvation - Road Salt Two
January 2011
········ Hardcore Superstar - Split Your Lip
········ Helheim - Heiðindómr Ok Mótgang
········ Obscura - Omnivium
········ Destruction - Day Of Reckoning
········ Within Temptation - TBA
········ Vreid - TBA
14.01 Theatres Des Vampires - Moonlight Waltz
14.01 Belphegor - TBA
14.01 U.D.O. - Rev Raptor
17.01 Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy - TBA
February 2011
········ Textures - TBA
········ Moonsorrow - TBA
········ Samael - TBA
········ Cavalera Conspiracy - TBA
········ Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - TBA
········ Paradox - TBA
········ Pestilence - Doctrine
········ Children Of Bodom - TBA
········ Varg - Wolfskult
········ Jag Panzer - The Scourge Of Light
15.02 Neuraxis - Asylon
March 2011
········ Autopsy - Macabre Eternal
········ Requiem - Within Darkened Disorder
········ Ava Inferi - TBA
········ Yggdrasil - TBA
········ Sonata Arctica - TBA [DVD]
········ Rotten Sound - Cursed
········ Paragon - TBA
········ Septicflesh - TBA
········ Wolfchant - Call Of The Black Winds
········ Between The Buried And Me - TBA [EP]
········ Krux - TBA
········ Savage Messiah - TBA
········ XIV Dark Centuries - TBA
03.03 Prey For Nothing - Against All Good And Evil
21.03 Artillery - 6 (working Title)
April 2011
········ Iced Earth - TBA
········ Tracedawn - TBA
········ Amaranthe - TBA
········ Dragonland - TBA
········ Kampfar - TBA
········ Demonical - TBA
May 2011
········ Enid - TBA
········ Devin Townsend - Deconstruction
········ Gorguts - TBA
········ Hammerfall - TBA
········ Devin Townsend - Ghost [EP]
········ Devin Townsend - Ghost
June 2011
········ Sinister - Legacy Of Ashes [Working Title]
········ Devildriver - TBA
········ Scelerata - TBA
········ Exumer - TBA
········ Kiss - TBA
········ Deadlock - TBA
········ Leaves' Eyes - TBA
········ Imagika - TBA
········ Impiety - Worshippers Of The Seventh Tyranny
········ Omnium Gatherum - TBA
········ Avian - Midnight At The Tower
········ Tool - TBA
········ Exhumed - TBA
August 2011
········ Nightwish - TBA
September 2011
········ Vader - Return To The Morbid Reich
October 2011
26.10 Slough Feg - The Animal Spirits
December 2011
········ Agathodaimon - In Darkness (working Title)
········ Rumpelstiltskin Grinder - TBA
········ Woods Of Ypres - Woods V
········ Sepultura - TBA
········ Xerath - TBA
········ Gorgoroth - TBA
········ Memoira - TBA
········ Crystallion - TBA
········ One Man Army And The Undead Quartet - The Dark Epic
········ Stratovarius - TBA
········ Aisling - Karst
········ Unshine - TBA
········ Haggard - TBA
········ Profane Omen - TBA
········ Forever Slave - TBA
········ Secrets Of The Moon - Seven Bells [Working Title]
········ Devin Townsend - Z²
········ Eclipse Hunter - Unlimited Edition
········ Gallhammer - TBA
········ Argus - Boldly Stride The Doomed
········ Monolithe - Monolithe III
········ Primordial - TBA
········ Psycroptic - TBA
········ Insomnium - TBA
December 2012
········ Slipknot - TBA
12.12 Eternal September - Your Computer Lies