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Anstehende CDs/DVDs

Verfasst: 24 Sep 2010, 22:33
von Aamon
The Big 4 DVD
Slayer - Divine Intervention DVD
Anvil - Der Beginn einer Freundschaft DVD
Opeth - 'In Live Concert at the Royal Albert Hall' DVD

*schluck, nur DVDs denk6 *

Verfasst: 25 Sep 2010, 18:30
von Hartl
Aamon hat geschrieben: Opeth - 'In Live Concert at the Royal Albert Hall' DVD
aber auf jeden! Gsputi

Verfasst: 25 Sep 2010, 22:49
von Gogge
September 2010

········ Pig Destroyer - TBA
········ Conspiracy - Irremediable
········ Therion - Sitra Ahra
········ Rorcal - Heliogabalus
········ In Virtue - Embrace The Horror
········ Voodoo Circle - Broken Heart Syndrome
········ Place Of Skulls - As A Dog Returns
········ Zubrowska - Zubrowska Are Dead
········ Consortium Project - Consortium Project V - Species
········ Allen/Lande - The Showdown
········ Mourning Lenore - Loosely Bounded Infinities
27.09 Enslaved - Axioma Ethica Odini
27.09 The Batallion - Head Up High
27.09 The Crown - Doomsday King
27.09 Rush - 2112/Moving Pictures (Classic Albums) [DVD]
27.09 Abigail Williams - In The Absence Of Light
27.09 Halford - Halford IV - Made Of Metal
27.09 Sole Remedy - Apoptosis
28.09 August Burns Red - Home [DVD]
28.09 Avian - The Path [EP]
28.09 James LaBrie - Static Impulse
28.09 October Tide - A Thin Shell
28.09 Soundgarden - Telephantasm [DVD]
28.09 Mushroomhead - Beautiful Stories For Ugly Children
29.09 Angra - Aqua
29.09 Iron Fire - Metalmorphosized

October 2010

········ Helheim - Åsgårds Fall [EP]
········ Revolution Renaissance - Trinity
········ Vintersorg - TBA
········ Glorior Belli - The Full Intrepid Experience Of Light
········ Hydrogyn - Judgement
········ Obscurity - TBA
········ My Silent Wake - TBA
········ Monster Magnet - Mastermind
········ Manic Movement - Hot Hot Hot
········ Gernotshagen - Weltenbrand - ...den Banner hoch der Nacht entgegen
········ Colosseum - Chapter 3: Parasomnia
········ Prong - TBA
········ Evergrey - TBA
········ Demons And Wizards - TBA
········ Ataraxie - Project X [Compilation]
········ Wojczech - Pulsus Letalis
········ The Ocean - Anthropocentric
········ Kromlek - Finis Terrae
········ Sacred Oath - World On Fire
········ Star One - Victims Of The Modern Age
········ Violet Sun - Loneliness In Supremacy
········ Phideaux - Snowtorch
········ Heathen Foray - TBA
01.10 Grave Digger - The Clans Will Rise Again
01.10 Letzte Instanz - Heilig
01.10 Melechesh - The Epigenesis
05.10 Joe Satriani - Black Swans And Wormhole Wizards
08.10 Space Eater - Aftershock
10.10 Auspex - Heliopause
11.10 UnSun - Clinic For Dolls
11.10 Hail Of Bullets - On Divine Winds
11.10 Syrens Call - Raging Waters
12.10 Intronaut - Valley Of Smoke
12.10 Hæresiarchs Of Dis - Denuntiatus Cinis
12.10 All That Remains - For We Are Many
15.10 VA - The Big Four: Live From Sofia, Bulgaria [DVD]
15.10 Symphorce - Unrestricted
15.10 Magic Kingdom - Symphony Of War
15.10 Rhapsody Of Fire - The Cold Embrace Of Fear - A Dark Romantic Symphony [EP]
15.10 Mirror Of Deception - A Smouldering Fire
17.10 Lugubrum - N.O.I.R. [Split] [EP]
18.10 Necronaut - Necronaut
18.10 Voodoo Six - Fluke?
18.10 Pure Reason Revolution - Hammer And Anvil
18.10 Dååth - Dååth
18.10 Jumalhämärä - Resignaatio
18.10 The Meads Of Asphodel - The Murder Of Jesus The Jew
20.10 Amberian Dawn - End Of Eden
22.10 Forbidden - Omega Wave
22.10 Cradle Of Filth - Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa
22.10 Crystal Viper - Legends
22.10 Virgin Steele - The Black Light Bacchanalia
22.10 Neaera - Forging The Eclipse
25.10 Tank - War Machine
25.10 Steven Wilson - Insurgentes [DVD]
25.10 Firewind - Days Of Defiance
25.10 My Dying Bride - Evinta [Compilation]
25.10 Triptykon - Shatter [EP]
26.10 Katra - Out Of The Ashes
26.10 Transatlantic - Whirld Tour 2010, Live At Shepherd's Bush Empire London [DVD]
26.10 Kylesa - Spiral Shadow
26.10 Transatlantic - Whirld Tour 2010, Live At Shepherd's Bush Empire London [Live]
26.10 Withered - Dualitas
26.10 Krieg - The Isolationist
27.10 Verjnuarmu - Lohuton
29.10 The Sorrow - The Sorrow
29.10 Andras - Warlord
29.10 Evocation - Apocalyptic
30.10 Shape Of Despair - Written In My Scars [EP]
31.10 Helloween - 7 Sinners

November 2010

········ Wyrd - Death Of The Sun
········ Thunderbolt - TBA
········ Running Wild - TBA [DVD]
········ Impaled Nazarene - Road To The Octagon
········ Eldritch - TBA
········ Behemoth - Evangelia Heretika [DVD]
········ Helrunar - Sól
········ Virus - The Agent That Shapes The Desert
········ Dalriada - Ígéret
········ Dark Moor - Ancestral Romance
05.11 Helstar - Glory Of Choas
08.11 Aborym - Psychogrotesque
08.11 Atheist - Jupiter
12.11 Darkwater - Where Stories End
15.11 Icewind - Again Came The Storm
19.11 Suicidal Angels - Dead Again
22.11 Sodom - In War And Pieces
26.11 Doro - 25 Years In Rock [DVD]
26.11 Milking The Goatmachine - Seven… A Dinner For One

December 2010

········ Pain - TBA [Live]
········ Ordog - Remorse
········ Dantesco - Seven Years Of Battle
········ Kekal - 8
········ Twilight Ophera - And The Waning Tyfereth - Divine X Plagues
········ Sothis - TBA
········ Karelia - Goden Decadence
········ Brutus - Murwgebeukt
········ Dantesco - We Dont Fear You God
········ Turisas - TBA
········ Arafel - For Battle Once Fought
········ Intense - TBA
········ Lyfthrasyr - TBA
········ Acid Witch - TBA
········ 7th Nemesis - Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow
········ Bane Of Isildur - TBA
········ Acid Witch - Midnight Mass [EP]
········ Aras - TBA
········ Dantesco - The Ten Commandments Of Metal
········ Stone Gods - TBA
········ Mortal Sin - TBA
········ Ixion - To The Void
········ Will Haven - TBA
········ Ribspreader - TBA
········ Phobia - Unrelenting [EP]
········ Zonaria - TBA
········ Your Shapeless Beauty - Phoinike
········ Weedeater - Jason... The Dragon
········ Nocturnal Fear - Excessive Cruelty [Working Title]
········ Hromovlad - TBA
········ Nightlight - Slippery When Frozen [EP]
········ Nine Inch Nails - TBA
········ Einherjer - TBA
········ Astarte - TBA
········ Korpiklaani - TBA
········ Thurisaz - The Cimmerian Years
········ Cloudscape - New Era
········ The Warriors - TBA
········ Believer - TBA
········ Marionette - TBA
········ Asphyx / Hooded Menace - Asphyx / Hooded Menace 7" [Split] [EP]
········ Odious - Skin Age
········ Trollfest - En Kvest For Den Hellige Gral
········ Lock Up - TBA
········ Asphyx / Hooded Menace / Lock Up / Brutal Truth - Lock Up / Brutal Truth Split 7" Single [EP]
········ Altars Of Destruction - Gallery Of Pain
········ Watchtower - Mathematics
········ Wizard - Wariwulf
········ Mantic Ritual - TBA
········ Stormhammer - TBA
········ Sinner - One Bullet Left
········ The Amenta - TBA
········ Fifth Angel - TBA
········ Onslaught - Sounds Of Violence
········ Gris - L'Alchimiste
········ Vertigo Steps - The Melancholy Hour
········ Overdrive - TBA
········ Cruciamentum - TBA [EP]
········ Condemned - Realms Of The Ungodly
········ Midnattsol - TBA
········ Three - TBA
········ Folkearth - Viking's Anthem
········ The Amenta - V01D [Working Title] [EP]
········ Teräsbetoni - TBA
········ Toxic Holocaust - TBA
········ Burning The Memory - Affirmations [EP]
········ Sirenia - TBA
········ Rudra - Brahmavidya: Immortal I
········ Disfigured - Amputated Gore Whore
········ Saturnus - TBA
········ Amaseffer - When The Lions Leave Their Den
········ Black Harvest - Ingrate
········ Arckanum - Sviga Læ
········ Extrovert - TBA
········ Eyehategod - TBA
········ Hocico - Tiempos de Furia
········ Rush - Clockwork Angels
········ Holy Blood - Shining Sun
········ Alice Cooper - Alice Does Alice [EP]
········ Crom - Of Love And Death
········ Eisregen - Rostrot
········ Witchcurse - Heavy Metal Poison
········ The Gathering - TBA
········ Avrigus - The Hidden Citadel
········ Loch Vostok - Dystopium
········ OSI - TBA
········ Underoath - TBA
········ Elexorien - TBA
········ Project: Failing Flesh - Count Back From Ten
········ Crystal Eyes - TBA
········ Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects - TBA
········ God.Fear.None - Over Black Clouds
········ Cave In - White Silence
········ Akercocke - A Decade Of Devil Worship [DVD]
········ Exhale - Blind
········ Power Quest - Blood Alliance
········ Anaal Nathrakh - TBA
········ Ill Niño - Dead New World
········ Draconian - TBA
········ As We Fight - Rockcore [Working Title]
········ Norther - TBA
········ Rex Mundi - Perception In Design
········ Hate - Erebos
········ Gwar - Bloody Pit Of Horror
········ Bloodthorn - TBA
········ Stormwarrior - Heathen Warrior [Working Title]
········ Arwen - TBA
········ Logar's Diary - TBA
········ Shatter Messiah - TBA
········ ETHS - TBA
········ Winds Of Plague - TBA
········ Benedictum - TBA
········ Degradead - TBA
········ The Arcane Order - TBA
········ Alice Cooper - The Night Shift
········ Saviours - TBA [EP]
········ Belenos - Yen Sonn Gardis
········ Konkhra - TBA
········ Sworn - TBA
········ Imperial Vengeance - The Gas-Light Arias [Working Title]
········ Cadaveria - TBA
········ Thunderbolt - TBA
········ Crimfall - TBA
········ Eden's Curse - Trinity
········ Hecate Enthroned - Virulent Rapture [Working Title]
········ Tristwood - Dystopia Et Disturbia
········ Abandoned - TBA
········ Ragnarok - Collectors Of The King
········ Civilization One - Calling The Gods
········ Skew Siskin - TBA
········ Phazm - TBA
········ Toxik - TBA
········ Visceral Bleeding - TBA
········ Toxik - Think Again [DVD]
········ Noumena - TBA
········ Chaosphere - Anthems To Agony
········ Aeturnus Dominion - Annihilation Process
········ Subterranean Masquerade - In Pastille Colors
········ Thy Majestie - TBA [DVD]
········ Deicide - To Hell With God
········ Mortician - TBA [DVD]
········ Anata - TBA
········ Tribuzy - TBA
········ Desultory - Counting Our Scars
········ Anterior - TBA
········ Agent Steel - TBA
········ Necrophagia - Deathtrip 69
········ Atargatis - TBA
········ Unexpect - TBA
········ Lake Of Tears - TBA
········ Deep Purple - TBA
········ Jon Oliva's Pain - DVD [DVD]
········ Kaledon - Roaming In The Land [DVD]
········ Sanctity - TBA
········ Ecthalion - TBA
········ Torchbearer - Death Meditations
········ Sabaton - Live At The Front [DVD]
········ Motörhead - TBA
········ Corpus Mortale - TBA
········ Goddess Of Desire - The Power Of Metal Compels You
········ Thine Eyes Bleed - TBA
········ Morbid Angel - TBA
········ Changer - Darkling
········ Crest Of Darkness - TBA
········ Morifade - Empire Of Souls
········ Virgin Black - Requiem - Pianissimo
········ Scorngrain - Utopia.Paranoia.Perversions!
········ Nemesea - TBA
········ Iced Earth - Festivals Of The Wicked [DVD]
········ Persuader - TBA
········ Dreamscape - Everlight
········ Gothic Knights - TBA
········ Frameshift - Loading Oakfield
········ Farmakon - Syan
········ Decayed - Shadowland [EP]
········ Silent Voices - TBA
········ Megadeth - Blood In The Water: Live In San Diego [DVD]
········ Hatebreed - Live In Dallas [Live]
········ Sandalinas - Circles
········ Stormwarrior - If It's Not In Your Bloode... You Will Never Understande! [DVD]
········ Orange Goblin - TBA
········ Summoning - TBA
········ Die Krupps - TBA
········ Down - TBA
········ Agalloch - TBA
········ The Dillinger Escape Plan - TBA [DVD]
········ Cellador - For All Or Nothing
········ Cypher - TBA
········ Evereve - E-Mission
········ Corpus Christii - TBA
········ Prototype - TBA
········ Oath To Vanquish - The Ruinous Fate Of The Blind
········ Anthrax - Worship Music
········ Mezzerschmitt - TBA
········ Suicidal Angels - Live Domination [DVD]
········ Charon - TBA
········ Vader - TBA [EP]
········ Morian - Ashen Empire
········ Paths Of Possession - TBA
········ Thorns - TBA
········ Trouble - The Dark Riff [Working Title]
········ Finntroll - TBA [DVD]
········ Carpathian Forest - TBA [DVD]
········ By Night - TBA
········ Den Saakaldte - Kapittel II: Faen I Helvete
········ Serenity - Death & Legacy
········ Detonation - Reprisal
········ Sinate - TBA
········ Alarum - Natural Causes
········ Vile - TBA
········ Twelfth Gate - TBA
········ Fragile Vastness - TBA
········ Eventide - The Beast And The Machine
········ Wolverine - Communication Lost
········ DeepTrip - TBA
········ Sacrifice - Live Reanimation [DVD]
········ Apostasy - TBA
········ Dragonlord - TBA
········ Grimfist - A New Breed Of Brutality
········ Macbeth - TBA
········ Magnacult - TBA
········ Griffen - TBA
········ Forgotten Tales - TBA
········ The Wounded - Hail To The King
········ Carnal Forge - TBA
········ Katagory V - Resurrect The Insurgence [Working Title]
········ Mors Principium Est - TBA
········ The Eternal - Under A New Sun
········ Ironwood - Storm Over Sea
········ Battlelore - TBA
········ Chaostar - TBA
········ Urt - TBA
········ Harkonin - Detest
········ Darkest Hour - TBA
········ Anubis Gate - TBA
········ Sylosis - TBA
········ Penumbra - TBA
········ Chaosweaver - TBA
········ Kinetic - Human Horror Industry
········ Necrophagist - TBA
········ Benighted - TBA
········ Mortiis - The Great Deceiver
········ Tad Morose - TBA
········ Angel Dust - Tales From Ashes And Dust
········ All Ends - TBA
········ Venom - TBA
········ Crowbar - TBA
········ Cult Of Luna - TBA
········ Panzerchrist - Regiment Ragnarok
········ Delain - TBA
········ Fates Warning - TBA
········ Nothnegal - TBA
········ Secret Sphere - Archetype
········ Biohazard - TBA
········ Blind Stare - TBA
········ The Devil Wears Prada - TBA
········ Chrome Division - TBA
········ Venomous Concept - TBA
········ Divine Eve - TBA
········ Lyrinx - Restriction And Failure
········ Dornenreich - Flammentriebe
········ Forgotten Tomb - Under Saturn Retrograde (Working Title)
········ Daylight Dies - TBA
········ Attacker - TBA
········ Symphony X - TBA
········ Carpathian Forest - Universal Evil
········ Sinergy - Sins Of The Past
········ Illnath - Three Nights In The Sewers Of Sodom
········ Vanishing Point - TBA
········ Odroerir - Götterlieder II
········ Shining - VII - Född Förlorare
········ Revengia - TBA
········ Kypck - TBA
········ Ark - Aradiokaos
········ Maruta - TBA
········ Revolting - The Terror Threshold
········ Manowar - Hammer Of The Gods
········ Eternal Reign - The Dawn Of Reckoning
········ Vicious Art - TBA
········ To/Die/For - TBA
········ Souldrainer - TBA
········ Crimson Glory - Metatron, Lucifer And The Divine Chaos
········ Urban Tales - The End
········ Universum - Mortuus Machina
········ Testament - TBA
········ Alchemist - TBA
········ Mordab - TBA
········ Eternal Gray - Your Gods, My Enemies
········ Crionics - N.O.I.R. [EP]
········ Aeternus - TBA
········ Arena - The Tinder Box
········ Homo Iratus - Truth Conquers All [EP]
········ Darkwell - TBA
········ Defender - TBA
········ Absentation - Claves Inferni
········ ZZ Top - TBA
········ Sathanas - La Hora De Lucifer
········ Virus IV - TBA
········ The Fall Of Every Season - Amends
········ Baltimoore - TBA
········ Empyrean Sky - Extending The Tangent
········ Moonspell - TBA
········ Falconer - TBA
········ Waylander - TBA
········ Visions Of Atlantis - TBA
········ Pegazus - TBA
········ Circus Maximus - TBA
········ Anal Cunt - Wearing Out Our Welcome
········ The Kovenant - Aria Galactica
········ Halcyon Way - TBA
········ Vreid - Vreid Goddamnit [DVD]
········ Demonoid - TBA
········ Naglfar - TBA
········ Death Breath - TBA
········ Black Comedy - TBA
········ Slumber - Resonance
········ Highland Glory - TBA
········ Pain Confessor - TBA
········ Manigance - TBA
12.12 Axenstar - Aftermath
17.12 Tankard - Vol(l)ume 14
31.12 Wintersun - Time


········ Necronomicon - Invictus
········ Sarke - TBA
········ Cauldron - Burning Fortune
········ Dredg - TBA
········ Dir En Grey - TBA
········ Steven Wilson - Storm Corrosion
········ Night In Gales - TBA
········ Satan's Host - TBA
········ Revolting - TBA
········ Blackfield - Blackfield III
········ Svartby - Elemental Tales
········ Steven Wilson - TBA
········ Suidakra - TBA
········ Dark Empire - From Refuge To Ruin
········ Haemorrhage - TBA
········ Devin Townsend - Ziltoid Musical [DVD]
········ myGRAIN - TBA
········ Frameshift - TBA
········ Whyzdom - TBA
········ Endstille - Infektion 1813
········ DragonForce - TBA
········ Pain Of Salvation - Road Salt Two

January 2011

········ Hardcore Superstar - Split Your Lip
········ Helheim - Heiðindómr Ok Mótgang
········ Obscura - Omnivium
········ Destruction - Day Of Reckoning
········ Within Temptation - TBA
········ Vreid - TBA
14.01 Theatres Des Vampires - Moonlight Waltz
14.01 Belphegor - TBA
14.01 U.D.O. - Rev Raptor
17.01 Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy - TBA

February 2011

········ Textures - TBA
········ Moonsorrow - TBA
········ Samael - TBA
········ Cavalera Conspiracy - TBA
········ Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - TBA
········ Paradox - TBA
········ Pestilence - Doctrine
········ Children Of Bodom - TBA
········ Varg - Wolfskult
········ Jag Panzer - The Scourge Of Light
15.02 Neuraxis - Asylon

March 2011

········ Autopsy - Macabre Eternal
········ Requiem - Within Darkened Disorder
········ Ava Inferi - TBA
········ Yggdrasil - TBA
········ Sonata Arctica - TBA [DVD]
········ Rotten Sound - Cursed
········ Paragon - TBA
········ Septicflesh - TBA
········ Wolfchant - Call Of The Black Winds
········ Between The Buried And Me - TBA [EP]
········ Krux - TBA
········ Savage Messiah - TBA
········ XIV Dark Centuries - TBA
03.03 Prey For Nothing - Against All Good And Evil
21.03 Artillery - 6 (working Title)

April 2011

········ Iced Earth - TBA
········ Tracedawn - TBA
········ Amaranthe - TBA
········ Dragonland - TBA
········ Kampfar - TBA
········ Demonical - TBA

May 2011

········ Enid - TBA
········ Devin Townsend - Deconstruction
········ Gorguts - TBA
········ Hammerfall - TBA
········ Devin Townsend - Ghost [EP]
········ Devin Townsend - Ghost

June 2011

········ Sinister - Legacy Of Ashes [Working Title]
········ Devildriver - TBA
········ Scelerata - TBA
········ Exumer - TBA
········ Kiss - TBA
········ Deadlock - TBA
········ Leaves' Eyes - TBA
········ Imagika - TBA
········ Impiety - Worshippers Of The Seventh Tyranny
········ Omnium Gatherum - TBA
········ Avian - Midnight At The Tower
········ Tool - TBA
········ Exhumed - TBA

August 2011

········ Nightwish - TBA

September 2011

········ Vader - Return To The Morbid Reich

October 2011

26.10 Slough Feg - The Animal Spirits

December 2011

········ Agathodaimon - In Darkness (working Title)
········ Rumpelstiltskin Grinder - TBA
········ Woods Of Ypres - Woods V
········ Sepultura - TBA
········ Xerath - TBA
········ Gorgoroth - TBA
········ Memoira - TBA
········ Crystallion - TBA
········ One Man Army And The Undead Quartet - The Dark Epic
········ Stratovarius - TBA
········ Aisling - Karst
········ Unshine - TBA
········ Haggard - TBA
········ Profane Omen - TBA
········ Forever Slave - TBA
········ Secrets Of The Moon - Seven Bells [Working Title]
········ Devin Townsend - Z²
········ Eclipse Hunter - Unlimited Edition
········ Gallhammer - TBA
········ Argus - Boldly Stride The Doomed
········ Monolithe - Monolithe III
········ Primordial - TBA
········ Psycroptic - TBA
········ Insomnium - TBA

December 2012

········ Slipknot - TBA
12.12 Eternal September - Your Computer Lies


Verfasst: 25 Sep 2010, 23:02
von Aamon

Verfasst: 26 Sep 2010, 02:03
von sicclown
Fuck ... von wo hastn des herkopiert du Zauberer ?

Verfasst: 26 Sep 2010, 09:51
von Aldarion
Super Liste!
Gogge hat geschrieben: 31.12 Wintersun - Time
Haha, des will i segn!

Verfasst: 26 Sep 2010, 11:14
von Helge-Uwe
ich auch... wo is die liste her?

na da kommen eh a paar nette sachen auf uns zu... interessant: steven wilson mit ner "insurgentes" solo dvd... würd mich interessieren was und wie das wird. neue vintersorg, auch ned zu verachten... und auf die behemoth dvd freu ich mich auch schon.

Verfasst: 26 Sep 2010, 13:07
von Jarod
von hier hat ers: ... upcoming=1

und bzgl. der wintersun kann auch ich nur mein "lol" anmerken.

der beste running gag seit der chinese democracy. ;)

Verfasst: 26 Sep 2010, 20:19
von Gogge
Jarod hat geschrieben:von hier hat ers: ... upcoming=1

und bzgl. der wintersun kann auch ich nur mein "lol" anmerken.

der beste running gag seit der chinese democracy. ;)
Genau! Das mit der Wintersun hab ich erst jetzt bemerkt smilie_op_011

Verfasst: 29 Sep 2010, 16:16
von Aamon
Aamon hat geschrieben:The Big 4 DVD
Slayer - Divine Intervention DVD
Anvil - Der Beginn einer Freundschaft DVD
Opeth - 'In Live Concert at the Royal Albert Hall' DVD

*schluck, nur DVDs denk6 *
Heaven & Hell - Neon Nights: 30 Years Of Heaven & Hell

wieder eine DVD, da werd ich mal einen sehr langen DVD-Abend machen müssen.... trink_020