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Michael Trengert

Verfasst: 26 Sep 2013, 12:24
von Ravenpride
Er ist am Montag den 23.9. verstorben.
Michael Trengert was the managing director of Silverdust Records and former promoter at Nuclear Blast and manager of Metal Blade Records Europe.

Ich kannte ihn von Metal Blade.

R.I.P :sad:

Verfasst: 26 Sep 2013, 12:44
von Jakob
nie gehört. woran isser denn verstorben und wie alt war er?

Verfasst: 26 Sep 2013, 12:48
von Ravenpride
Ich hab ihn ja nicht persönlich gekannt. Mehr Infos hab ich leider auch nicht.

Verfasst: 26 Sep 2013, 12:51
von Ravenpride
Former Metal Blade Europe Label Manager Michael Trengert Passes
Hot Flashes
Posted on Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at 16:10:01 EST

Metal Blade Records has issued the following statement regarding the passing of Michael Trengert, a man that always took care of BW&BK during his tenure at Nuclear Blast and Metal Blade Records in Europe and Germany's Summer Breeze Festival:

"Two days ago (September 23rd) Michael Trengert passed away. Michael was the longtime label manager of Metal Blade Europe and helped bands like AMON AMARTH, CANNIBAL CORPSE, SIX FEET UNDER, THE CROWN, BRAINSTORM, GOD DETHRONED, NEAERA, VOMITORY, POWERWOLF, PRIMORDIAL and many, many others to release albums, play tours and festivals. To make careers. He´s been close friends with nearly all the bands he worked with and even if they were not on the label anymore, he has always been there for them.


He also helped many individuals to start careers in the music industry and to make a living of what he loved most – Metal! A true believer of the musical extreme, a real friend who was always there when you needed him. An honest character, someone you would listen to since his words always had a meaning.

Michael Trengert.
One in a million.
Loving husband and father.
True friend .

You will be sorely missed by everyone who knew you. We love you and you will forever be in our hearts!"

BW&BK sends out heartfelt condolences to Michael Trengert and family and friends.

Says BraveWords President/CEO "Metal" Tim Henderson: "We shared some great times in the name of heavy metal and he was one of the gems in the scene. This is a very sad day."

Verfasst: 26 Sep 2013, 17:48
von Erik Blutaxt
ja, habs auch grad auf der jack frost page gelesen:
Jack Frost hat geschrieben:RIP michael trengert, former head of metal blade records europe. he's the man who made "my own private hell" happen and who supported jack frost over the years. our thoughts go to his family.