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(Albert Bell´s) SACRO SANCTUS (Malta)

Verfasst: 12 Aug 2014, 11:27
von Erik Blutaxt
passt stilistisch hier eigentlich nur bedingt rein, aber natürlich schwierige überthreadwahl. somit hab ich mich für die tw. musikalische herkunft des künstlers entschieden. hier der kommentar des labels:

"We've been listening on repeat to a new, yet unreleased album... a brilliant album! Albert Bell's Sacro Sanctus is a solo effort (sans the drums, which are played by a hired drummer) of this Maltese scene veteran, known from NOMAD SON and FORSAKEN. Darkness fills the room as this music flows from the speakers... A really old-school mix of doom, thrash and even some black metal that should appeal to fans of early TÖRR, NEMESIS, later ZEMIAL, early CELTIC FROST, HELLHAMMER, MORTUARY DRAPE, early DEATH SS and PAUL CHAIN, VARATHRON, ROOT, VENOM, THE BLACK (Italy), later BATHORY, DEMONAZ.... If you still haven't heard the track ("The Tears of Ishtar") which we released on "Compendium of Metal Vol. 7" CD, you can also listen to it online... check the link below:



Re: (Albert Bell´s) SACRO SANCTUS (Malta)

Verfasst: 09 Sep 2015, 18:39
von Erik Blutaxt
Albert Bell hat geschrieben:The follow up to the SS debut 'Deus Volt' is now close to completion...'Ad Aeternum' has proved to be another enthralling journey in obscure templar history, esoteric philosophy and savage metal! haha


Re: (Albert Bell´s) SACRO SANCTUS (Malta)

Verfasst: 19 Nov 2015, 09:52
von Erik Blutaxt
würd ich sofort kaufen:


Re: (Albert Bell´s) SACRO SANCTUS (Malta)

Verfasst: 30 Apr 2016, 14:50
von Erik Blutaxt




Re: (Albert Bell´s) SACRO SANCTUS (Malta)

Verfasst: 31 Aug 2018, 12:03
von Erik Blutaxt
Albert Bell hat geschrieben:The new Sacro Sanctus album LIBER III: CODEX TEMPLARUM is set for world-wide release on Metal on Metal Records next week 5th September, 2018. Expect lots of uncompromising old school metal as always! A local launch party will follow...more info to come shortly!


Re: (Albert Bell´s) SACRO SANCTUS (Malta)

Verfasst: 13 Sep 2018, 09:32
von Erik Blutaxt
