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Verfasst: 09 Dez 2014, 19:57
von Erik Blutaxt
cool, doch noch ein neues album, wär hätte das gedacht Gsputi

war auf jeden fall ein ganz witziger gig in der szene blackmetalsaufen (video demnächst)

"As most of us can now consciously piss again without any garments in the way, we wish to thank Silent Booking and Phil for an outrageously cool and well organized concert! We sure had the best of times.
Yet the best organization isn't worth a thing without a proper crowd. Hailz to all you Minions of Satan for showing up at a time bands usually dread in this city. You'll make us remember this one!!!
We also want to thank everyone involved in giving us a chance to look so ravishingly grim on stage, because without their help we wouldn't have had the time to paint ourselves for WAR. Sarolf of Waldschrat, Rain0r of Enclave and Neuroticon of HELLSAW made things on stage happen while we focused on the essence ov Evil to deliver a legendary scumback.

However, with -|-VXR-|- in our midst as a more than worthy successor to -|-TRU-|- on drums, this concert was the beginning of a new age for us. The way things look, we'll record a new album in 2015 and some more shit will definitely happen.

To the worthless speck of Jesus' Death Erection cum that took our merch and cash: we'll find so many ways to penetrate you, you'll shit through your mouth and breathe through your dick!"



Verfasst: 09 Dez 2014, 22:52
von Erik Blutaxt


Verfasst: 09 Dez 2014, 23:27
von Z
Merch von einer Band fladern die gut 10 jahre keinen verkauft hat ist sehr schlau... hoff der/die bekommen ordentlich aufs Maul!


Verfasst: 10 Dez 2014, 10:31
von Erik Blutaxt
definitiv. wobei fladern generell von purer letztklassigkeit zeugt mbmn...

@herr gullemec: so schauen die herren im moment aus (edit: wobei ich diesbezüglich eh bereits das video oben reingestellt hab. wurscht...):



Verfasst: 10 Dez 2014, 18:45
von Erik Blutaxt


Verfasst: 11 Dez 2015, 17:21
von Erik Blutaxt
Vargsriket/Horns of Hattin Gitarrist/Sänger/Iceman GRYM aka Rex Vermum aka Markus Schlögl hat übrigens ein zusätzliches Standbein gefunden



Verfasst: 11 Dez 2015, 22:39
von GulLemec
Verzögert das etwa das neue Album...