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Verfasst: 19 Mai 2015, 18:49
von Erik Blutaxt
"Game over !

Hey guys. Bethlehem has split-up and does a break. If there will be a comeback or won't isn't certain yet. Obviously isn't. Bethlehem has to stay pure anarchy - against all odds - and certainly isn't a playground for wannabes. The fuck off. All shows for 2015 got canceled, NYC (Stardust) & Austria (Sick Midsummer) already have found a surrogate. Informations can be requested from the organisers. NYC would be done at another time if this band should dare a comeback. If so, this first would result in a new longplayer anyways. Fingers (double) crossed !

Other than that I got a tendinitis again. This time it's the right wrist/underarm which fully gets swallen after practising two songs and which makes it impossible playing my instrument at the moment. We also no longer can rehearse and the momentary line-up does not want to perform without me. After the "Devil's Asylum Tour" this shit already appeared at the left wrist/underarm and was put in a cast for months. Practising my instrument(s) daily and for decades, completely ignoring all danger signs been sent by the body, damn caused the problem which also is for other instrumentalists I know. Actually, surgery would be wiser than a plaster cast which basically won't solve the problem. Certainly another reason why a break is more than just welcome. Even typing this crybabies message here produces pain a lot.

Therefore, you no longer can count on us. We're done for the moment or forever. Ain't get no clue yet cos I'm no foreboder. Like "Stefan Raduta" already said it: future does not exist. So all we can do is keeping our fingers crossed until they break cos all hope is gone like Slipknot said...tho I still belive in myself and my skills. At least something.

take it easy,
Mr. Bartsch"