Altar of Oblivion hat geschrieben:Here, you can listen to the opening track from our forthcoming 4-track EP “Barren Grounds”, which will be released by Shadow Kingdom Records on CD/MC in a couple months.
Journey’s End Records will take care of the vinyl version that will see the light of day later this year.
Thanks to Cheryl Pyle for making the video:
Re: Altar of Oblivion
Verfasst: 24 Mai 2017, 10:07
von Erik Blutaxt
Altar of Oblivion hat geschrieben:Three news in one:
1: The Vocals for the forthcoming 7-track full-length ”The Seven Spirits” have been recorded. Luckily and unsurprisingly, Mik Mentor doesn’t sound like Fred ”The Rapidilap Man” Durst at all.
Now, the keyboard/synth sessions will commence sharply followed by the mix and mastering process.
2: The drums and some of the guitar parts have been recorded for a 5-track EP named “Burning Memories”, which is being recorded simultaneously with “The Seven Spirits”. This creature will be finalized right after the completion of the aforementioned album.
3: The “Barren Grounds”-EP, which was released on CD last year, will be issued on vinyl including two bonus tracks, to which the finishing touches are just being applied. German label Journey’s End Records will take care of this release.
More news will follow soon
- Martin Meyer Sparvath
Re: Altar of Oblivion
Verfasst: 22 Jun 2017, 11:09
von Erik Blutaxt
† Bald in Wien †
Re: Altar of Oblivion
Verfasst: 20 Sep 2017, 22:22
von GulLemec
Und auch in Weikersheim
Re: Altar of Oblivion
Verfasst: 19 Feb 2018, 10:50
von Erik Blutaxt
wollte immer schon mal mit dem herrn gullemec gemeinsam auf einer setlist aufscheinen
Re: Altar of Oblivion
Verfasst: 28 Feb 2018, 11:17
von Erik Blutaxt
Altar of Oblivion hat geschrieben:It is time to reveal the cover art for our upcoming full-length album “The Seven Spirits”, which will be released on gatefold-LP, CD and MC through our US label Shadow Kingdom Records later this year.
Cover art by Portuguese artist Victor Costa
Re: Altar of Oblivion
Verfasst: 01 Mär 2018, 10:10
von psykosonic
das cover ist schon mal ähnlich panne wie neulich bei procession
Re: Altar of Oblivion
Verfasst: 18 Jan 2019, 11:04
von Erik Blutaxt
Bevor sie into oblivion versinken, hier ein Lebenszeichen:
Altar of Oblivion hat geschrieben:Our new album entitled "The Seven Spirits" will be out April 26. 2019. Digital pre-order is now available on bandcamp. Physical copies will be available for pre-order in a near future through Shadow Kingdom Records. This is our most ambitious record to date - it has been a long process but the result definitely shows that it's been worth it, and we can't wait to show it to you guys!