Matt Holt, former singer of NOTHINGFACE, passed away at home in Maryland on April 15. He had been battling a degenerative illness for several years. He is survived by his parents and his younger brother.
While he had not been active musically in recent years, Holt, who toured the world several times over with his band in the early 2000s, is remembered as being an unparalleled talent and as one of most skilled vocalists of his generation, thanks to his incredibly impressive range, which shifted from terrifically brutal to beautifully melodic.
NOTHINGFACE released five studio albums, including 2000's "Violence" and 2003's "Skeletons", before splitting in 2004, citing musical differences, internal turmoil and label troubles. NOTHINGFACE reunited in 2005 and went through a couple of lineups before finally disbanding again in 2009.
Former NOTHNGFACE guitarist Tom Maxwell, who is now a member of HELLYEAH, told the "Talk Toomey" podcast last year that he had no interest in a NOTHINGFACE reunion, largely because of his nonexistent relationship with Holt.
"It was a good time, but, you know, people change and people are different — they're not the same people," he said. "Matt Holt, you know, is doing his thing and we don't get along, we don't talk, I don't want nothing to do with him or his life. It's not gonna happen man. I have dignity."
He added: "There's just nothing anymore. There's no communication, there's no desire. I don't need to do it, I don't have to do it. I'm happy where I'm at and I'm going to leave it right where it is. It's dead."
- Ravenpride
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The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice
Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice
Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
- Eiserner Knut
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Quelle: ... t-tot.htmlNOTHINGFACEs früherer Frontmann Matt Holt starb am 15. April im Alter von 39 Jahren in Maryland, nachdem er mehrere Jahre lang an einer degenerativen Krankheit gelitten hatte. Holt hinterlässt seine Eltern und seinen jüngeren Bruder. NOTHINGFACE veröffentlichten zwischen 1997 und 2009 fünf Alben, darunter "Violence" (2000) und "Skeletons" (2003). Die 1995 gegründete Alternative-Metal-Band löste sich zunächst wegen musikalischer und persönlicher Differenzen 2004 auf, kam 2005 jedoch wieder zusammen, bis 2009 endgültig Schluss war. Gitarrist Tom Maxwell, heute bei HELLYEAH, erklärte in einem früheren Interview, wieso es keine weitere Reunion geben würde: "Da ist einfach nichts mehr. Keine Kommunikation, kein Verlangen. Ich brauche das nicht und muss es nicht tun. Das ist tot."
Ruhe in Frieden, Matt!
Der ungerechteste Frieden ist immer noch besser als der gerechteste Krieg.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Marcus Tullius Cicero