Today it is with deep heartfelt sadness that AC/DC has to announce the passing of Malcolm Young.
Malcolm, along with Angus, was the founder and creator of AC/DC.
With enormous dedication and commitment he was the driving force behind the band.
As a guitarist, songwriter and visionary he was a perfectionist and a unique man.
He always stuck to his guns and did and said exactly what he wanted.
He took great pride in all that he endeavored.
His loyalty to the fans was unsurpassed.
As his brother it is hard to express in words what he has meant to me during my life, the bond we had was unique and very special.
He leaves behind an enormous legacy that will live on forever.
Malcolm, job well done.
vor 4 Stunden
It is with deepest sorrow that we inform you of the death of Malcolm Young, beloved husband, father, grandfather and brother. Malcolm had been suffering from Dementia for several years and passed away peacefully with his family by his bedside.
Renowned for his musical prowess Malcolm was a songwriter, guitarist, performer, producer and visionary who inspired many. From the outset, he knew what he wanted to achieve and, along with his younger brother, took to the world stage giving their all at every show. Nothing less would do for their fans.
Malcolm is survived by his loving wife O'Linda, children Cara and Ross, son-in-law Josh, three grandchildren, sister and brother.
While thanking all for their overwhelming support and heartfelt condolences, the family ask that you respect their privacy during this time of heartbreak and grief.
For those wishing to send messages to the family please visit the Sydney Morning Herald Malcolm Young Memorial website which will be available next week.
The family have asked instead of flowers to send donations to The Salvation Army.
Im Alter von 64 AC/DC-Mitbegründer Malcolm Young gestorben
Malcolm Young, Mitbegründer der australischen Rockband AC/DC, ist tot. Der legendäre Gitarrist starb im Alter von 64 Jahren, wie die Band am Samstag "mit tief empfundener Trauer" via Facebook bekannt gab. Damit sind in diesem Jahr bereits zwei der Young-Brüder verschieden.
Malcolm Young und sein Bruder Angus hatten die Band im Jahr 1973 gegründet. AC/DC gehört zu den bekanntesten Bands der Welt. Ihre Musik, die sie selbst stets als Rock 'n' Roll bezeichneten, gilt auch als Wegbereiter für den Hardrock.
Malcolm, der im Jahr 2014 seinen Abschied aus der Band genommen hatte, "war die treibende Kraft" bei AC/DC, wie die Band auf ihrer Facebook-Seite schreibt. "Als Gitarrist, Songwriter und Visionär" sei er gleichermaßen "Perfektionist und eine einzigartige Persönlichkeit" gewesen. "Malcolm, job well done", heißt es am Ende des Postings.
"Friedlich eingeschlafen"
Der schottisch-australische Musiker habe schon seit längerer Zeit an Demenz gelitten. Malcolm sei "friedlich eingeschlafen", im Kreise seiner Familie, schrieben seine Angehörigen im Web. Er wurde 64 Jahre alt und hinterlässt eine Frau, zwei Kinder und drei Enkel.