DECAPITATED in den USA eingesperrt!

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Registriert: 16 Feb 2009, 17:11
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DECAPITATED in den USA eingesperrt!

Beitrag von Ravenpride »

DECAPITATED: alle vier Band Mitglieder wurden in den USA wegen Entführung und Vergewaltigung angeklagt!
Der Frontmann der Polnischen Death Metaller DECAPITATED Rafal "Rasta" Piotrowski und der Bassist Hubert Wiecek erschienen am Freitag, 20. Oktober, in einem Gericht in Spokane, WA. Rafal "Rasta" Piotrowski wurde offiziell wegen Entführung ersten Grades und Vergewaltigung zweiten Grades angeklagt . Hubert Wiecek wurde wegen Entführung und Vergewaltigung ersten Grades beschuldigt.

In der vergangenen Woche wurde schon der DECAPITATED Gitarrist Waclaw Kieltyka, wegen Entführung und Vergewaltigung ersten Grades und Schlagzeuger Michal Lysejko wegen Entführung und Vergewaltigung ersten Grades angeklagt.

Für jedes Mitglied der Band wurde eine Kaution in Höhe von 100.000 USD festgesetzt, alle mussten ihre Pässe abgeben. Es wurde auch entschieden, dass die Bandkollegen keinen Kontakt miteinander haben, solange sie in Untersuchungshaft sind.

Die Band soll am 31. August in Spokane, WA einen weiblichen Fan Entführung und Vergewaltigung haben.

Die Band hat folgendes Statement abgeben: "Obwohl wir keine vollkommenen Menschen sind, sind wir keine Entführer, Vergewaltiger oder Kriminelle. Daher bestreiten wir die Vorwürfe, die gegen uns erhoben wurden. Wir bitten darum, dass sich jeder sein Urteil vorbehält, bis ein endgültiges Ergebnis erreicht wurde.

Da es Unsicherheiten hinsichtlich eines Zeitplans gibt und aus Respekt vor den Fans und Promotoren, haben wir aufgrund der Schwere der Anschuldigung alle geplanten Touren abgesagt."
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice

Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
Beiträge: 39091
Registriert: 16 Feb 2009, 17:11
Wohnort: Graz

DECAPITATED in den USA eingesperrt!

Beitrag von Ravenpride »

On Saturday, September 9th, 2017 all four members of Decapitated were arrested in Santa Ana, California, on first-degree kidnapping charges. All four band members are accused of gang raping a woman on their tour bus after their concert in Spokane, Washington, on August 31st. Currently they are all being held in jail in California awaiting extradition to Washington. The band has taken down most of their social media accounts after these events.
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice

Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
Beiträge: 39091
Registriert: 16 Feb 2009, 17:11
Wohnort: Graz

DECAPITATED in den USA eingesperrt!

Beitrag von Ravenpride »

All Rape And Kidnapping Charges Against DECAPITATED Dropped
According to The Spokesman-Review, Spokane County prosecutors have dropped all rape and kidnapping charges against the four members of the Polish death metal band DECAPITATED, citing the well-being of the alleged victim.

Less than two weeks before the musicians were scheduled to go on trial for allegedly kidnapping and raping a woman on their tour bus four months ago, Spokane County prosecutor Kelly Fitzgerald filed a motion dismissing all rape and kidnapping charges. The motion cites "the well being of the victim" as a reason for dropping the charges without prejudice, meaning the four members of DECAPITATED could be prosecuted in the future.

"We feel it was the result of everyone taking a second look at this matter in light of new evidence," said Steve Graham, attorney for guitarist Waclaw Kieltyka, 35.

"They are headed back home this week," Graham said of the musicians.

The other three bandmembers are 27-year-old drummer Michal Lysejko, 31-year-old singer Rafal Piotrowski and 30-year-old bassist Hubert Wiecek.

Defense attorneys questioned the credibility of the accuser, who in 2014 admitted to lying to police about injuries she sustained during an assault, when her boyfriend was accused of stabbing three people. It was later determined that she was actually injured by her boyfriend during a previous argument.

The musicians were released from jail last month as they awaited trial. As part of their release conditions, they were ordered to stay in Washington and were required to turn in their passports. In the event that they did return to Poland, they were ordered to sign waivers of extradition, meaning they were agreeing to be extradited to the U.S.

The DECAPITATED members were released on their own recognizance and did not have to post a bond.

Their trial was scheduled to begin on January 16.

The woman alleged she was gang-raped by the musicians in their tour bus bathroom after DECAPITATED's August 31 concert with THY ART IS MURDER at The Pin concert venue in downtown Spokane as part of the two bands' "Double Homicide" tour. The woman said entered the bus for drinks with the band before each member forced themselves on her.

Deputies later stated the victim had "significant bruising to her upper arms consistent with being restrained" and "small abrasions on her knuckles that were scabbed over."

Andy Marsh, a member of THY ART IS MURDER, provided testimony for the defense, saying he saw the woman violently dancing in the mosh pit in front of the stage. "She was smashing her hands, arms and body against the metal barricade between the audience and the stage," he said in the court documents.

All four members of DECAPITATED were arrested on September 9 in Santa Ana, California after performing at the Observatory. They were held in Los Angeles County Jail before being extradited to Spokane.

DECAPITATED announced in September that it was canceling all previously announced tour dates. The band also publicly denied the accusations.

In a statement, the DECAPITATED members said that "the original officer who took the complaint from the accuser stated, 'I do not have probable cause that a rape occurred.'" They added that they were "confident that once the facts and evidence have been seen and heard, they will be released and able to return home."
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice

Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
Eiserner Knut
Beiträge: 27452
Registriert: 14 Okt 2007, 00:16
Wohnort: 1100 Wien

Re: DECAPITATED in den USA eingesperrt!

Beitrag von Eiserner Knut »

Der Metl-Moser hats heute schon im Radio gebracht! yesss smilie_op_010
Der ungerechteste Frieden ist immer noch besser als der gerechteste Krieg.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Beiträge: 39091
Registriert: 16 Feb 2009, 17:11
Wohnort: Graz

DECAPITATED in den USA eingesperrt!

Beitrag von Ravenpride »

Eiserner Knut hat geschrieben: 08 Jan 2018, 15:57 Der Metl-Moser hats heute schon im Radio gebracht! yesss smilie_op_010
Warum hast es dann nicht gepostet? denk6 Ich hör kein Radio und kenn den M-M deswegen auch nicht! ;)
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice

Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
Eiserner Knut
Beiträge: 27452
Registriert: 14 Okt 2007, 00:16
Wohnort: 1100 Wien

Re: DECAPITATED in den USA eingesperrt!

Beitrag von Eiserner Knut »

Ravenpride hat geschrieben: 08 Jan 2018, 16:17
Eiserner Knut hat geschrieben: 08 Jan 2018, 15:57 Der Metl-Moser hats heute schon im Radio gebracht! yesss smilie_op_010
Warum hast es dann nicht gepostet? denk6
An diesen Thread hatte ich gar nicht mehr gedacht! :oops:
Der ungerechteste Frieden ist immer noch besser als der gerechteste Krieg.
Marcus Tullius Cicero