Der US-amerikanische Gitarrist RALPH SANTOLLA, der u. a. bei Deicide, Obituary, Iced Earth und Millenium spielte, ist tot. Nach einem Herzinfarkt am 29. Mai war SANTOLLA ins Koma gefallen. Seine Familie hat sich daraufhin entschlossen, am heutigen Mittwoch die lebenserhaltenden Maßnahmen einzustellen. SANTOLLAs Mutter Sue Santolla-Rocha hat seinen Tod nun auf ihrer Facebook-Seite bestätigt. RALPH SANTOLLA wurde 48 Jahre alt.
Ralph Santolla,der ehemalige Gitarrist von Bands wie ICED EARTH und OBITUARY ist heute verstorben. Santolla war nach einem Herzinfarkt am 29. Mai ins Koma gefallen. Am heutigen Mittwoch hatte die Familie beschlossen, die lebenserhaltenden Maßnahmen einzustellen. Die Mutter des Gitarristen Sue Santolla-Rocha dazu in einem aktuellem Posting:
Good morning. Just so we all start to heal, Ralph Santolla is not laying on that bed at St Joseph Hospital. He has gone, and he is happy and at peace in heaven. I want to start your day with a little humor. My wonderful mother and Ralph grandmother passed away three years ago. One of my friends was trying to console me, Fred Parker, and had the comment that Ralph would be playing music for his just made me laugh to visualize Ralph playing heavy metal for his Nannie. would be so funny... His Nannie was an amazingly strong woman and she would tell him, cut it down, and play something decent. I my son more than anyone can imagine, my heart is broken..but I know he loved me unconditionally and will always be with me. It is the same with all of us, he will be with you everyone, everyday and his love will surround us now and forever.i wanted to tell everyone that I have thousands of messages...I just can’t deal with it right now but I love each of you.
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC