PRO PAIN am 22.4. @ Viper Room

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Beiträge: 782
Registriert: 23 Jan 2009, 15:45

PRO PAIN am 22.4. @ Viper Room

Beitrag von dji »

Und manchmal kommen sie wieder!

Die Herren von Pro Pain sind wieder zu Besuch im Viper Room

Supports: t.b.a.

VVK bei Jugendinfo und ÖTicket 13€
Ak 16€

Beginn: 19:30 Uhr
Beiträge: 782
Registriert: 23 Jan 2009, 15:45

Beitrag von dji »

Beiträge: 782
Registriert: 23 Jan 2009, 15:45

Beitrag von dji »

also wie schon in einem anderen thread geschrieben, findet das konzert statt!
Beiträge: 782
Registriert: 23 Jan 2009, 15:45

Beitrag von dji »

Heute ist das offizielle Statement der Band eingetroffen:

Pro-Pain´s Manager and friend reacts to allegations from the Austrian Press that Gary Meskil, singer
of Hardcore/Metal Band PRO-PAIN, missed his Court Date in Klagenfurt on April 15th, 2010.
In response to the rumors that Gary Meskil (singer of US Hardcore/Metal band: Pro-Pain) did not show up for his
Court Date in Klagenfurt on April 15th are completely false. Mr. Meskil was at no time officially summoned by the
Court and was unaware that such a date was agreed upon and therefore could not attend. The Attorney present
at the hearing (Dr. Gerd Tschernitz) was at no time retained on Mr. Meskils behalf nor did he inform Mr. Meskil
through official channels about the hearing. Mr. Meskil simply did not know about it, therefore he did not come.
It is as simple as that.
Associates of Mr. Meskil´s Attorney, Dr. Florian Kremslehner of DORDA BRUGGER JORDIS in Vienna, met
personally with the Judge (Dr. Liebhauser-Karl) on Friday afternoon and clarified the situation and a new date
for a hearing is being discussed. Mr. Meskil and his Attorney feel that once the evidence is shown before a court
of law, and Mr. Meskil´s side of the story can be presented in full, that he will be cleared of all charges, as they
are frivolous and concocted at best.
In my opinion, Mr. Meskil acted as any professional Musician would react in a situation where he was
approached by an aggressive and intoxicated 6 ft tall Male, yielding a beer bottle in one hand and a „middle
finger“ in the other. Let me add that at no time did Mr. Meskil physically touch the Plaintiff, nor did he verbally
„order“ anyone to touch him. He made a hand gesture to his Technician to stop the Plaintiff´s drunken and
aggressive advances towards him, which is normal practice in the Touring Business. Let me also add that the
Local Promoter did not have sufficient Security on hand to deal with a situation like this, which is normally a
standard requirement when renting a venue for a concert, that the Local Promoter have ample Security present.
If there was then this incident would not have happened.
Despite what was reported in the Austrian press on Friday, according to Mr. Meskil´s Attorney and the Judge (Dr.
Liebhauser-Karl) there was and will be no Arrest Warrant issued for Mr. Meskil, and he shall be allowed to enter
and leave Austria while a new Trial date is agreed upon. Mr. Meskil is intent on proving his innocence and
clearing his good name.
The two concerts planned in Vienna (22.04.) and Steindorf am Ossiacher See (24.04.). shall take place as
planned and shall not be canceled. Pro-Pain shall be performing tracks from their forthcoming CD “Absolute
Power” and celebrating 20 Years of Pro-Pain.
Let me add on a side note that apparently at least one supposed family member of the Plaintiff has contacted my
Partners in Austria directly, letting them know about intimate details of the trial, in a blatant attempt to harm Mr.
Meskil´s good name and advised them that they should cancel all of Mr. Meskil´s concerts because he will be
arrested. It is one thing to take someone to Court but it is another thing to practice Character Assassination and
to interfere with someone´s business and other people connected with him financially. We are currently
investigating this and if found to be true, then we will take the necessary legal action against this person.
For the Journalists that have posted stories on this matter, suggesting that Mr. Meskil and his band are Right-
Wing, or somehow connected to the Right in anyway is absolutely preposterous and unfounded. Mr. Meskil has
done albums with people of ethnicity as well as been in bands with them. His lyrics, if anything are far Left and if
any of you did your jobs you would have realized this.
PRO-PAIN´s new album entitled “Absolute Power” will be in stores on May 7th, 2010 on Rawhead Inc./Soulfood
Beiträge: 5856
Registriert: 28 Apr 2006, 16:50

Beitrag von Jakob »

hahaha, geiler schlussatz
Hush little Larsie, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the fans making bootleg tapes
I hope you choke on your sour grapes