Original GREAT WHITE singer Jack Russell hat geschrieben:"It is with great sadness that we have been informed of the passing of Lorne Black yesterday [Friday, September 27]! Our hearts go out to his family, friends and fans.
"Lorne was a huge part of the first incarnation of GREAT WHITE! May he rest in peace."
GREAT WHITE guitarist Mark Kendall hat geschrieben:"I saw [Lorne's] cousin Robert a few months ago and we were in touch. Robert told me Lorne wasn't too good then.
"I lost Robert's number when I changed phones, which bums me out. He used to work for us.
"I loved Lorne and I am truly sad to get this news. I know he has battle demons for along time and I am so sad to hear of his passing.
"RIP, my friend..."
Lorne Black can be seen standing on the left in the photo below.
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC
Gibt sogar ein Video von der Katastrophe.
Ihr damaliger Gitarrist starb als er Fans zu retten versuchte! R.I.P Ty Longley
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice Eternal Winter NECROPHOBIC