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Verfasst: 03 Okt 2013, 07:59
von Ravenpride
Original GREAT WHITE singer Jack Russell hat geschrieben:"It is with great sadness that we have been informed of the passing of Lorne Black yesterday [Friday, September 27]! Our hearts go out to his family, friends and fans.

"Lorne was a huge part of the first incarnation of GREAT WHITE! May he rest in peace."
GREAT WHITE guitarist Mark Kendall hat geschrieben:"I saw [Lorne's] cousin Robert a few months ago and we were in touch. Robert told me Lorne wasn't too good then.

"I lost Robert's number when I changed phones, which bums me out. He used to work for us.

"I loved Lorne and I am truly sad to get this news. I know he has battle demons for along time and I am so sad to hear of his passing.

"RIP, my friend..."

Lorne Black can be seen standing on the left in the photo below.

R.I.P :cry:


Verfasst: 03 Okt 2013, 13:54
von Jakob
so lernt man bands auch kennen. hat sein tod doch noch was gutes bewirkt.

geile musik!

Verfasst: 03 Okt 2013, 14:59
von Ravenpride
DIE kanntest du noch nicht?

Dachte daher kennt die jeder. ... he_Station

Verfasst: 03 Okt 2013, 15:06
von Jakob
auch die sagt mir nix

Verfasst: 03 Okt 2013, 15:16
von Ravenpride
Gibt sogar ein Video von der Katastrophe.
Ihr damaliger Gitarrist starb als er Fans zu retten versuchte! :cry: R.I.P Ty Longley
